Chapter 56

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One priestess, three mothers, one father, two children, five best friends, fifty guests, and two brides. The calm winds blew over the huge white tents with guests. Family and friends all gathered in the orange orchard to witness the seemingly magical moment of life for the two women. Athena wore a calm expression, almost completely serene except for the pounding of her heart as she stood on the Indian golden-styled isle waiting impatiently for the love of her life. Dressed in a black fitting tuxedo complemented by a perfectly made pearly bowtie that matched her soon-to-be wife's pearly dress. Her right arm clutching the wedding so tight that her knuckles turned white

"She'll be here soon honey, you know how brides go all crazy and nervous before they walk down the aisle. Of course, she also wants to get everything right and perfect for both of you, just a little longer" Alexis rubbed her arm for comfort and she visibly exhaled calming her heart for a second. "Thank you that means a lot mom Alexis" she smiled kissing her cheek. "Oh dear you can call me mom, drop the Alexis, you're already family as it is"

"Thank you Mom"Athena exhaled smiling softly

Just then the doors opened, for a moment she felt her world spinning, her vision blurring, her mouth again as she let out an inaudible gasp. She felt her throat dry as she tried forming incoherent words. Down at the door revealed a veiled Hestia with her dress eminently following every single curve she had. Even with the veil on and the distance, she could still see her cleavage from where she stood. She gulped suddenly fiddling with the ring in her hand. This creation of a goddess was going to be hers for as long as they both would live

A bouquet of her favorite flowers tulips held firmly in front of her she took measured elegant steps to her fiancee. Hestia had spent the first few morning hours crying because she still found it hard to believe this was finally happening. Her eyes were a little red under the veil but she majorly focused on the goddess waiting on her. After all, this was what fate decided for them and she was more than ready to spend a lifetime with Athena.  

Her heartfelt warmth and fuzzy as she took in a nervous from the inside Athena. She smiled to herself knowing she wasn't the only wreck. Even with her composure maintained she could see her swaying on her feet, her mouth trying hard not to crack a huge grin. "Hestia held her mama's right hand in hers and had the left one looped in Athena's dad or as they liked to call him her soon-to-be dad. Soft music played in the background as the hired band played the instruments in such synchronization you could feel yourself hypnotized

"This is happening" Hestia mumbled under her breath

"I know, ain't it just perfect" I squealed excitedly

"Laylani!!!" Hestia enthusiastically exclaimed

"I never thought I'd be happy to hear from you ever" she added

"Uh...ouch, way to ruin the moment and here I thought you and I took a likeness in each other. Don't make me ruin your little wedding" I threatened to feign hurt and anger

"Psh, you could never. Your readers would hate you for that" she smirked evilly knowing she had me wrapped around her little finger for some reason

"Schnapp, okay then I won't ruin it but that doesn't mean I can't make your trip on your own feet" I chuckled devilishly earning an intense glare that made a choke stuck in my throat and stop my chuckling

"Jeez es broma! 'Ms can't take a joke, go on your wife awaits you" I smiled softly

"Thank you Laylani" she grinned inhaling sharply

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