Chapter 55

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Love is a beautiful thing when you have the right person in your life. Love is consuming. It bears all things, distress, all the whirlwinds it comes with. Love is patient. It happens in the right way at the right time. We may not believe in the cosmic influence in our lives, most especially our love-related relationships but fate brings two souls together, it unites two souls meant for each other. Some of us are lucky enough to live and experience such a connection with our fated ones. It feels like a magnet is pulling you close to each other even if you are world's apart

Love isn't perfect and doesn't seek perfection. Love is not forceful. Love is cherishing. Love is always grateful. The shallow breaths, the sharp inhale, the racing of the hearts, the craving of every inch of each other it's all beautiful. The caring and love seen in the eyes never lie. When they say eyes are doors to the soul, you can never fake it when your eyes say a different story

The strumming of your hearts is always in sync. Noticing little things that cause discomfort in your loved one. Knowing what makes them happy and loving the fact that you are one if not the only cause of their happiness. And it is heart-warming if the feeling is reciprocated

The whole aspect of marriage and having a family was never appealing to Hestia before but currently as she was lost in her world, her mind constantly replaying the proposal bit by bit. Every single word Athena uttered she was enthralled with. The spellbound between them grew thicker than ever before. Her fingers kept tracing the saphimond in her middle finger. She wanted this with her, she wanted all of her to be embodied in Athena. Every inch of her imprinted to her mind and soul

"You're seriously not going to tell us how it went?"Blair whined pouting her lips

"Nope" Hestia smirked

"We could always ask Athena you know, "Jade said

"Ask me what?"Athena questioned walking into the kitchen. She placed a soft kiss on her fiancee's temple then grabbed an apple

"How'd your proposal go?"Blair asked with the sweetest voice she could master batting her eyelashes at Athena who rose her eyebrows a smirk playing on her lips

"That's not gonna work on me. she quipped. Why don't I let honey here give you all the details" she grinned pecking her

"Hello, I already tried that"she scoffed

"I wanna know though, did she cry? Jade mocked. I bet she did."

"Ugh, would you stop that?"Hestia groaned burying her face in her hands. Athena laughed, "Come on love tell your best friends or else I will"

"Sorry I have a baby to feed, "Hestia said walking away smiling knowing little Aphrodite and Roselia were at Athena's mom

"Liar" Blair called out laughing

"Excuse me, my fiancee needs me" Athena winked following Hestia upstairs. "Rabbits" Jade teased causing her and her and Blair to laugh while Athena retreated red in the face not looking back once

"Just so you know we aren't going anywhere, so you better not be fucking anytime soon because I'll come round on your door" Blair threatened to earn a groan from Athena

"My love"Athena breathed as her back was slammed against the door a little bit hard as she got inside the bedroom. She groaned opening her eyes to see her fiancee already staring at her or rather her lips. She swallowed a lump stuck in her throat. "Babe your friends are....she got cut short with Hestia's lips coming in contact with hers

Just like that, they got lost in a world of pleasure. Their mouths rewrote their stories as they devoured each other. Their breaths were short with tongues exploring the deep creases, curving each corner of their mouths. Not even months or years of knowing each would ever stop the adventure they went on each time they made love. "Fuck honey, your friends will knock on the door any minute now" Athena exhaled as their lips slightly parted

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