Chapter 18

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"What do you mean you want some money?"Athy asked furrowing her eyebrows

Releasing a deep breath trying to get out of my previous trance. I know one thing for sure if that phone call hadn't interrupted us we would have gone through with the kiss

"You must be kidding me Alyssa" she shouted

"Gimme a minute Esty" she mouthed

She moved to the entrance of the roof and I watched her go

Ugh! Why's this happening to me?

Do I even like her?

I should call my moms, they'll know what to say

Getting my phone from my purse I dialed the home phone. Not a second later I heard mamà picking up

"Hola Hernandez residence how may I help you?" her voice beamed in my ear

"Buenas Noches mamá ¿como estas?"

"Oh mi Princesa eres tú, Estamos bastante Bien, abrazos te extraña"

"I miss him too mamà, I'll come to visit when I get back"

I miss my little Cuddles he was given to me on my 16 th birthday when he was still a little puppy. Now he's all grown

"He'd love that and so would we,¿como esta delta?"

"It's very beautiful mamà, I'll send you some pictures"

"Okay my princess"

"Mamà I need some advice," I said nervously

Why am I even nervous?

"Uh oh! What's wrong are you pregnant? she shouted panicking

"Lily your daughter is pregnant,"mamà shouted to mom

"She what!!!!!?"

I just rolled my eyes they can be so dramatic

"Mamà am not pregnant," I said

"You're not? Then what's with the advice? Is it about a guy?" she rumbled

"Mamà just let me finish, "I said

"Lexi let her talk," mom said

"Finally....okay so I need advice about a girl...

"A girl?"mamà asked interrupting me

"Mamà let me finish"I sighed

"Okay okay, what about this girl?"

I know she was rolling her eyes..tsk mamà

"Like I was saying, I think I may like her, am just not sure because I haven't been attracted to any other girls before"

"Aaaaaaw my baby," mom cooed

"Mom no stop I want you to tell me what to do, "I groaned

"Who is she?"mamà asked

"Her name's Athena Ealwood, "I said holding my breath

Of course, they know her. Who in Folksville or around the world doesn't recognize the most successful businesswoman there is?

"You mean Athena of Ealwood's Jewellery Companies?"Mom asked probably shocked


"Well damn that's some catch,"mamà said

"Come on mamà what should I do?"

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