Chapter 53

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𝙁𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙈𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙝𝙨 𝙇𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧...

"Let's go see your mommy" Athena cooed in a baby's voice making silly faces at their wrapped up dolly-like newborn baby. Her heart leaped in complete happiness ever since Hestia was rushed to the hospital and gave birth to a healthy little girl. Completely grateful they didn't face any complications during the whole process. Just a few insults here and there from her stressed-out girlfriend. A little bit of "Am never letting you inside me ever again", "You just had to cum inside me huh!!!" and a little bit of "I" ll slap that chuckle off your fucking face". Yep. Nothing she couldn't handle

Their little angel whom they named Aphrodite like the Greek goddess of beauty, not because of her well-molded beauty but because of her eyes. Those hazel brown eyes could capture even the souls of the most wretched creatures of the earth. Born with a rare condition of Heterochromia iridium. Her right side-eye was hazel like her dad's while the left was brown like her mom's. The doctors figured her hair would follow the same pattern. She had the smallest sized button nose, her cheeks round like her mother's. Athena felt pride swell her beating heart every time she would look at Hestia and her new increased size family. Roselia had welcomed her new sister with so much love. She would read the unaware little girl her bedtime stories, kiss her forehead then take herself to bed. It was a routine she had developed since the first night Aphrodite was brought into their lives

They had settled for baby blue color to paint her room and had everything else in the same color. From her crib to her clothes to the ceiling. It all screamed baby blue. Taking a break from work to be with her family she trusted her best friend Harry to take care of the company. Diana got a little vacation off work much to her protests she gave in. The pitter-patter of little feet filled her ears as Roselia run into the hallway

"Daddy can I hold Dito?" she asked giving out her best innocent puppy eyes that always seemed to get her everything she'd ask for

"What do we say Rosey?" Athena raised her eyebrows

"May I please hold the baby daddy?" she mumbled cutely fluttering her eyelashes

"Sure you can, but let's get her to mommy for breastfeeding first. Then you can hold her. Okay?"

"Yes!!!" she jumped excitedly fist-bumping the air

"Quietly, you'll startle Dito" Athena scolded

"Sorry daddy" she apologized sheepishly mocking a ziplock zipping her lips

Athena chuckled softly walking down the hallway to their bedroom. Roselia followed silently a grin on her small mouth. " Look who's snoring?" Athena pointed at Hestia who had one leg hanging from the bed, half of her body on the bed. Roselia let out a mischievous laugh running to the bed and jumping up and down shouting. "I'm up, I'm up, I'm up" Hestia startled awake her eyes a little swollen from the little nap she took

"What the f....she caught her slip up and glared at her daughter who offered her a smile. "Why would you do that?" she asked

"Dito's hungry"

Hestia groaned," You shouldn't wake up anyone that way Porcy,"

"Sorry momma" she held her head down in shame. Hestia's heart warmed hearing her refer to her as her mother. It felt natural. " Come here" she patted her lap and the scared little girl sat on her hiding her face in her chest. "It's okay baby am not angry" she rubbed circles on her back


"Pinky promise" Hestia entwined their pinkies and kissed her forehead." Now let me feed your little sister"

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