Chapter 25

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Hailing for a taxi I squeezed in a sniffling Blair. I have a faint idea why she is mostly affected by Es's kidnapping. You see Blair is like a closed book you have to read her to know her, she might act all childish, whining and all but she's quite smart and mature in her way

I've always noticed the little things she does to get Es's attention although the latter is quite oblivious to everything, I'm not

I know she likes Es, I just don't know how much

"You good B?" I ask stroking her hair softly

"Yeah..I...uh...I am" she stutters shaking her head

"It will be fine B, she's gonna be back okay? I assured patting her back

"Yeah I know" she wipes the stray tears on her cheeks

"Wanna go to Stella's with me?"

"No I want to go home and sleep, I'm tired" she yawns

"Rough night?"

"You know it, you go have fun but don't drink too much you have a nightshift yes? she says

"Yeah I do, and when have I ever drunk so much?"I gazed at her

She rolls her eyes at that, "Remember last year October?"

How could I forget that I drank too much? In the morning they told me how I threw myself on Stella and offered to take her home. I even groped her and all. I was so embarrassed I didn't go to Stella's for months

"Don't go there B" I glared

"Fine I won't " she chuckled softly

"We're here ma'am" I hear the taxi driver

"Thank you" I paid then took Blair inside our apartment

The three of us share the apartment, Es's moms didn't want their princess to be crumped up with us so they got her apartment

We don't have something big, just enough for the three of us....four bedrooms with attached bathrooms, a living room, a dining space, a small kitchenette, and a small backyard

"I know you still like her B" I teased but she froze in her steps

Looking back at her, I see her jaw open and her eyes wide

"You think you're so discrete?"I question

She opens and closes her mouth like some fish out of water

"It's fine B it's not like am going to tell Es you know?"I offer a small smile

"I...I did you know?" she sighs

"Oh honey it's so easy to read you, I wonder why Charles hasn't noticed, I kind of figured it last year during Christmas"

Her eyes widen and she looks so guilty it's so cute watching her

She shifts her legs uncomfortably

"It's totally fine B, "I say walking upstairs to her room

I hear her small footsteps, "It's not like I have a chance with her" she mutters

Opening her room I sit on her comfy pink bed. Everything in Blair's room is pink, it freaks me how much she loves pink. She gets in and locks her door and leans against it her Jed facing the ceiling

She sighs heavily and looks at me. I pat the space beside me motioning for her to sit. She drags herself and plops down and frowns

"Hey B it's okay, I know for a fact you're gorgeous and anyone would be lucky to have you, so what if it isn't Es I'm sure some nice pretty girl or some handsome guy will fall for you, you have a good heart B, sometimes we fall for people who aren't meant for us but that doesn't mean it's wrong, all you have to do is accept they are not yours and move on. Trust me some pretty prince or princess charming is waiting for you to swoon her"

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