Chapter 48

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Mention of Violence!!⚠️


Deep in the dark cold floor of the rusted basement laid a frail-looking woman, her hands tied up with a rough sisal rope. A snickering man pulled her by the hair while she groaned in pain

"Your freak of girlfriend hasn't come to your rescue" he spat venomously and cackled in the small room

He received a wheeze from the woman as a response not what he wanted as he smacked her cheek hard. " You're going to sleep hungry until you agree to rid that thing you're carrying." He walked away with an evil smirk on his face

Hestia coughed dryly as spurts of blood came out of her mouth. Let's just say what she has gone through the last three weeks is not so pleasant to be described. She was close to giving up on Athena but clutching the small bump she held on to the last piece of the thread as faith

Athena had not once slept a wink, occasionally closing her eyes accidentally and jumping up cussing awake. Massive bags underneath her bloodshot eyes, she'd cry silently at night. Cleo hadn't left her sight, trying to keep her best friend living a little. Harry was all up and down locations looking for Hestia

Every station reported Ken's escape from prison and Hestia's disappearance. It was now known of the relationship between the two women. Even as Athena closed the black blinds in her bedroom she couldn't help but groan from the slight flashes she saw opposite her window. Paparazzi was hot on her tail trying to bombard her with stupid questions whenever she'd step out

"Is it true you had an affair with Miss Hernandez?", "We heard she's pregnant", "Have you considered involving the police?", Can we get a picture of you both?"

On and on they went but she ignored them. She had tried staying strong for the sake of her daughter and Hestia but was breaking down every second

"No I have to be strong, for her" she whispered to herself as more tears welled up in the corner of her eyes

Her heartfelt heavy in her chest, she remembered the hurt look in Hestia's family as she told them. Fortunately..well for her...Lilith didn't go all crazy on her but that didn't mean she wasn't hurting. They were more worried about the baby she's carrying. She was too. She wouldn't bear the thought of losing either of them

"You have to eat something Athy" Blair sighed frustrated as she ran a hand in her hair

"I'm okay " came Athena's response

"You know Hestia wouldn't like it if she finds out you haven't been eating" Blair suggested nudging her best friend lightly

"I don't care, Cleo, look around... she's not here," Athena said her voice cracking in the end

"I understand Athy, okay fine don't eat just drink this," she said handing her a glass of water


"Where's Athy?" Harry barged into the room panting

"What happened"

"Did you find her?" Athy asked fear laced in her voice

"Yes and no"

"What do you mean Louis?" Cleo frowned

" Yes I think we found her but no we're not sure. We were able to find the location of the chip Athy had installed in her tooth. But we're not sure if that's the right place because it's in a little private island up North"

" Well what are you waiting for let's go idiot," Athena said feeling a burst of energy surge through her veins

The mere thought of seeing Hestia again had her all pumped up. "Have you looked in the mirror lately?" Harry chuckled lightly

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