Chapter 28

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"What's taking so long Athy" Cleo whined

"We've only been here five minutes Cleo" Athena rolled her eyes chuckling at her best friend's antics

"That's way too long for you know?"

"Fine just shut up"

"Ungrateful" Cleo mumbled

"I heard that"

"Whatever, what do you even plan to do with her?"

"Don't worry your pretty head Cleo"Athena said patting Cleo on the head

Cleo narrowed her eyes to her best friend whose eyes held a sinister look

"You're not thinking what I think you are, right?"Cleo asked

"If you're thinking I'm taking her to dad's chamber of doom then yes we're thinking the same thinking"Athena smirked

"Athena you animal!"Cleo gasped loudly making cops turn their heads to them

"What!"Athena snickered making them go back to their work

"FYI we both know she deserves worse"

"Are you going to kill her?"

"Not at all, am just going to make her pay for hurting Rose and Esty.......then am going to starve her death, "Athena said rubbing her palms deviously

"Oh sweet Lord Athy" Cleo shook her head

The two friends were down in the town's police station dropping the charges against Alyssa. Athena had a lot in store for her. Her thirst for vengeance was only fueled after Lilith refused to acknowledge or forgive her for hurting her daughter

The scars and cuts were not even helping Alyssa's case. No one has gone in the chamber of doom and come out alive or sane if they make it alive. Two traitors that worked for Mr. Ealwood left the place and were immediately taken to an asylum

When you're being tortured and left to your thoughts you may succumb to insanity or worse you even become suicidal. Dark thoughts loom in your mind as you have nothing else to do. The extreme pain you're put through both physically and mentally is too much for a person to bear with a sane mind

"I knew you'd come for me Athy"

The two females turned to see Alyssa who had only spent three weeks in jail. Her small frame in a yellow jumpsuit is not her color. Her left eye is all black and blue

"Damn you already got some beating before Athy could, "Cleo said under her breath

Athena laughed lightly and turned to the blonde porcelain

"Get her in the car" she ordered the female cop who left dragging Alyssa

"You and I are going to have fun Alyssa"Athena smirked walking back to her car

Alyssa was shoved in a different car that sped through the town to Mr. Ealwood's 'place'

"Where are we going?" an uncomfortable Alyssa squirmed in her seat

The driver stared at her reflection in the rearview mirror and smiled. Not the smile that warms your heart but that smile that causes chills to run down your spine and your heart race in fear of the unknown

"Get me out of here" she fumbled with the handle in an attempt to open it and jump out but it was no use

"Help! Somebody help me!" She started shouting

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