Chapter 36

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Driving back to my office I could have sworn I saw some black van trailing suspiciously behind me. I got back to signing documents and emailing them to my lawyers for clarity. I had a new shipment of sapphire rings of all shapes and sizes delivered across the globe. Only the best for my clients.

Signing the last document I powered down my laptop and walked to my car. I don't think I'll ever get used to a new driver ever since Chris happened. I now mostly drive myself everywhere

Reviving the car to life, I drove down the silent road. I noticed the black van following me again from the rearview mirror. Don't people get tired?

I took out my gun and hosted it behind my pants. Halting I parked at the roadside and got out waiting for that fool that kept following me like some lost goat

The van parked a few feet from my car and the first thing I saw was some black pants and shoes alighting. Getting ready to draw my gun anytime I stood upright

The figure walked out slowly then closed the door and turned to me. Then it hit me like a subway train when I saw his face.


YES...THE SO-CALLED LORD. He must have missed Alyssa. Haha okay, that's stupid of him to follow me.

"What do you want Macron," I said as he got closer

"Still with the 'tude Athy? Thought we were friends" he pouted pushing his lower lip outwards making me sneer in distaste

"Why have you been following me around?"

"Ah...I see straight to the point"

I glared at him, my eyes holding a cold and dead gaze making him take two steps back before composing himself.

"You have something that belongs to me," he said.

"Something? I don't recall owing you anything."

"Someone have someone that owes me a lot"

"I see..your little toy Alyssa?"I remarked sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"She's not my toy" he clenched his fists gritting his.

"She must be if she owes you anything"

"Just tell me where she is" he snapped

"And how would I know that?" I shrugged.

"Don't play foolish games with me"

"Who says am playing games?"

"We could do this the easy way or the hard way Athena," he said smirking

"Oooh am so scared" I mocked

His smirk faltered as he ground his teeth together.

"I don't like how you're talking back to me woman" he snarled

I raised my eyebrows studying his mouse-like face all fumed up...smoke out of his ears. Just kidding.

"How exactly am I talking Macron?"

"Look Athena this is just pointless, we are both busy people just tell me where she is so I can get my money back"

"So you do know we are busy, yet you dare stop me and worse follow me around the whole day."

"God Athena just tell me what I need to know."

"I don't know where she is. If I did, she'd be dead" I said calmly although my voice was cold

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