Chapter 35

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"You can't possibly be that surprised Esty, "A little girl said rolling her dark eyeballs.

"And why not?" I glared

"Because we've done that quite a lot of times," she said whipping her hair to the back.

"You know the teacher said it's wrong to kiss a girl," I replied scowling at her.

"Well teacher doesn't know that you'll be my wife," She muttered sarcastically while rolling her eyes again.

"How? And why does Henry tease you about wearing boy's clothing? Why do you wear them?" I   asked her my eyes glancing over her little khakis and t-shirt.

"Henry is mean Esty don't listen to him. I wear them because I like them." She sighed looking down.

"Hey look at me, "I said lifting her chin in my palms, she looked at me her dark eyes glazed with unshed tears.

"You are the most beautiful girl in the world and I don't care what you wear, I like you this way, "I said and kissed her cheek.

A tear fell from her eyes but I quickly wiped it, "Don't cry okay? I'm here"

"You promise?" she said her voice so gloomy.

"Pinky promise" I entwined our pinkies and smiled at her.

"You're the best Esty and I love you. I always will" She said then her tiny body started vanishing. Slowly. Each second. It became blurry and blurrier..or was it my vision? Her beautiful smile disappeared. Her warmth left me to feel the cold wind hit my face harshly. I tried reaching for her hand but that too faded away into darkness.

"Nooo....don't go" I cried out but my voice seemed stuck in my throat

"I'll be back Esty."


That was the last thing I heard before she completely vanished from my sight and I opened my eyes with a gasp.

"You okay Esty? I've been calling you for some time now"I turned my head to see Athy with a worried look on her face.


These episodes! Why can't I just see the girl? Especially her face. And only two people call me Esty...Athena and her.

God, why is this so hard??!!!

"I'm okay" I managed through a cough as my lungs burned from insufficient oxygen.

"You don't sound okay, do you wanna go home and rest?" she asked again. I took a deep breath tapping my chest a little and forcing air into me.

"No it's okay Athy, I'll be fine. I just had one of those memory things you know" I chuckled lightly trying to ease the situation but I couldn't get rid of the sharp pain I felt in my chest.

"That's even worse. Come on let me take you home. We can finish this work tomorrow. Drink this first." she said handing me a glass of water which I downed hungrily chasing relief.

Feeling settled I looked around her office, it was quite messy, to say the least with a stash of papers on top of her desk and documents lying all over.

"Thank you and no Athy, this deal is too important to you, let's just finish up then we'll leave. Besides I feel a lot better."

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?" she screamed so loud I had to block my ears with my hands.

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