Chapter 13

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As much as I loved Esty's company I had to let her go early. If anything we'll be spending more time together on the business trip and I can't wait. I only have to meet up with Mr. Damien to sign a couple of agreement contracts, he wants a partnership with my company since it's more successful than his. He better offers me a huge deal I can't be partners with a failing company.

I better ask Harry to dig secrets on him. I will not be associated with fraud and illegal business. I already have too much on my plate to add on more specks of dirt

Taking out my phone I dialed Harry. "Hey, Athy what can I do for you?"He asked

"Harry I'm leaving on Monday for Delta, before then I want you to get me information on Damien Ares. He owns the Southern Jewellery." I explained.

"Alrighty then,....going with little miss Esty?" he playfully said.

"Oh shut up you, it's only a business trip," I said.

"Business.... that's all to it hmm" he hummed

I chuckled, "Come on Harry you know me, business is business"

"Yeah right," he scoffed.

"And it's Es to you, Mister, I'm the only one who gets to call her Esty, "I said.

"Look who's getting overprotective," he laughed.

"Shut it Harry I'm hanging up"I laughed hanging up.

Shaking my head I got up and picked my keys. I have a long weekend ahead before I see her again.

Taking the elevator to the garage I decided to take a detour to the first floor. I got off and stopped in my tracks when I heard the receptionist and some other employees talking.

"Have y'all noticed Miss Grouchy is changing?" I heard one of them say.

I could tell they were referring to me because that's just one of the nicknames they gave me.

"I know right, it all started when that doll face what's her name? Hestia? Yeah, when she came here" another said.

"Maybe they have a thing going on, it wouldn't be a surprise if they were banging," one said and they all burst out laughing.

I wanted to walk towards them and slap the shit out of their mouths but I stopped when I heard the receptionist, "You know you could get fired if caught and it's not nice to speak ill of others, how would y'all feel if it was you people talked about."

"Oh please like anyone could approach that bitch" I heard them say.

Deciding to announce my presence I cleared my throat loudly.

They all turned to me and gasped. Their eyes were wide open and their jaws hanging low.

"We're so sorry Miss Ealwood we didn't me....." The short one started but I interrupted her.

"Save it, Miss Kingston, "I clenched my teeth.

If I had heard them before Esty had come I would have fired all of them instantly save for Mr. Sheldon the receptionist. However, I'm in a good mood so they should all be thanking her even if she didn't know.

I walked back to the elevator and pressed for the garage. You could hear them sigh in relief and scurry out of the building.

I chuckled at that, they were so brave while gossiping but they left with their tails between their legs

Walking to my car I switched on the gear and left for home. On reaching, I got a call from my mom.

"Hey honey, how's it going with Esty?" she asked.

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