Chapter 9

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I woke up turning off the alarm that kept ringing for the past five minutes. Pushing the covers off me I put on some sneakers and went for my morning workout.

After lifting weights and a couple of miles on the treadmill I left to get a shower. I took a hot shower, brushing my teeth I stared at my reflection and was surprised to see my lips quirk up. Was I smiling involuntarily?

I finished up and went to my princess's room and she was still asleep.

I know I haven't been there for her lately. I should take a little vacation with her. I could always bring Esty along. Speaking of her, I am a little nervous about the whole telling her about me and also finding out if she swung both ways.

I could always force it out of her but knowing that could only make her hate me more I decided to go with the peaceful way. Just ask.

I kissed my little girl on the forehead and went to make myself breakfast.

I made some toast and blueberry pancakes for Diana. I ate up and drank my banana smoothie.

I should probably tell my mom I already found the one.

Picking up my phone I dialed my mom. I wonder why she's always up so early yet she doesn't have anything to do not even work.

"A good wife should never wake up after sunrise" she'd say

"Look who decided to call her momma" I heard her say.

"Don't I always call you momma?"

"Yeah only to ask me about your dad" she beamed

"Okay mom I'm sorry" I sighed.

"Much better, but why'd you call honey? Something bad happened?"

"Can't I call just to know how my lovely mom is doing?" I smirked.

"Oh please honey I know you, now why'd you call?"

"Okay fine, you won't believe who I just found mom," I said with excitement in my voice.

"You're forgetting about her because you finally found an existing woman you can wife?" my mom shrieked I had to get the phone off my ear.

Rolling my eyes I scoffed, "No mother I didn't find anyone to marry."

"Oh..." Her voice dropped

"Come on mom I have good news don't go all sad on me now. I just found her." I said.

"Who's her honey? Her as in Esty or her as in the wife to be?"

"Her mom.....her....the one and only Esty, I told you I'll wait for her. Now the only thing that's in the way is making her mine."

There was a bit of silence before she said, "Where'd you find her honey"?You could tell she was happy for me

"Funny thing she's working for me as my assistant now but she doesn't remember me, still lost her memories," I said sadly

"Baby you don't need to worry, you know how fate works in different ways. Just take her slow, don't try to rush her to remember anything. With time she will remember everything and you'll get your girl back."

"I know mom I'll try everything, you know there's no one for me but her. So yeah I'm gonna get her even if it takes me years."

"That's the spirit honey, now if you'll excuse me your papa needs some morning "workout" if you know what I mean." She said chuckling

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