Chapter 54

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"Okay, enough sappiness let's enjoy our night out." Athena wiped stray tears with the back of her hand. Feeling emotional with Hestia's little impromptu about how great she is and all. "Here's to life"

"I'll drink to that" They danced all night long to Lacey's songs. Hestia's surprise guest the famous popstar

"I have one more surprise honey..promise you'll love it" she explained noticing the visible groaning razing Hestia's features

"Okay fine, one more then we leave. I want to feed  Aphrodite, plus mom must be exhausted looking after both Porcy and her."

"Babe you know that she's probably asleep now and mom told me she got it covered, let her spend time with her granddaughters"

"Okay you're right, let's just enjoy our night" she exhaled

"That's the spirit, now come with me"

She led them outside to the balcony, the crystal moon illuminated the city, the night seemed magical with little glass shards reflecting the light bouncing off walls to create tiny light rays. The night seemed peaceful with distant hootings of owls and crowing of crows and other night creatures. Crickets chirped happily off buildings carefree, a few fireflies flickered now and then all over the place. The two women drowned in a comfortable silence savoring each other's soft breaths. Sighing in content as they leaned their heads against the other. Athena felt contented with life, she had no enemy planning a kidnap, no crazy exes, no illegal businessmen. Just the little family she had with her soon to be wife

With her peripheral view, she caught herself grinning as she took in the love of her life. She had never loved anyone the way she loved Hestia. Even the worst gremlin could see the bond between the two women. The intense tension between them when they are in a room alone or with others. Their auras matched perfectly as though the universe itself was in on the matchmaking. The way they fit each other like two puzzle pieces, the big spaces in Athena's fingers fitting the little spaces in Hestia's. She tucked in a piece of the loose hair behind her ear. Hestia smiled warmly at her sending tremors to her whole body

That smile captured her heart, it could melt any hard soul. She would love every day grateful for having her little family. Glancing at a distance Hestia drew in the cold breeze exhaling softly. Till now she wasn't sure if this was one of those weird dreams you'd wake up from and try to go asleep again so you could have it again. At least she tried pinching herself to ascertain that it was all a reality and that she was in love with the most beautiful and outstanding woman. The dad to her two little princesses and more to come as long as they were both alive

"Do you want more babies in the future ho......she stopped mid-sentence her jaw slacking, her eyes wide in utter shock. She shook her head vehemently as tears threatened to spill from her eyes. "No..." she whispered her voice seemingly wanting to get stuck in her throat

On one knee Athena kneeled a saphimond in her hand, she stuck out to Hestia's. "I had a whole speech planned for this moment but it seems that anything and everything I could say would just be words with no meaning but I'll just do it anyway for you," Athena said softly

Hestia's hand reached out wiping a falling tear, she had been dreaming, imagining, and creating this moment every day since she fell in like then love with Athena. Especially now that they had their own small family. Her chest rummaged her little ribcage squeezing hard to break through with how fast it beats

"Hestia Hernandez you came into my life when I thought I wasn't meant to ever have someone to call my own. You've shown me the beauty of life, brought happiness to mine and Rosey's life. Taught me to love myself and showed me that am worth a lot. Melted the so-called 'ice' in my heart, my heart is no longer cold. I fall in love with you every day, every inch of you. All your scars and flaws are a part of you. A part that I love so much and am willing to show you every day of our lives. I know we were destined for each other and I know am not ready to ever let you go, you'll always be mine even after death. I belong to you, all of me is yours and you belong to me. I want to always be there for you, through all the hardships we'll get through all that. I want to have a bigger family with you. I love you so much Hestia so I want to ask you, will you make me the happiest woman and marry me?"

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