Chapter 29

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"How long Athy?"Hestia whined

"Just ten more minutes Esty"Athena chuckled

"Well I'm tired" she pouted

"We're almost there Esty, patience"Athena side glanced at Hestia who was pouting

The girls were already out of the hospital and were on their way to Hestia's place

"I called my mom and she said she was busy, do you know what she's doing, "Hestia asked facing the girl

"What! No why would I be aware?"Athena chuckled nervously

"Are you planning something, Athy?"Hestia narrowed her eyes watching Athena squirm in her gaze

"Nothing at all..look there's a clown juggler"Athena rushed pointing out the window

"Think I'm gonna fall for that...whoah he is juggling ....wait cacti? How is that even possible?"Hestia gasped surprised forgetting about the nervous girl beside her

"Told you"

"Do you remember when we went to the circus in Delta?"Hestia asked as she reminisced that special day that brought her even closer to Athena

"How could I forget?"Athena grinned as she recalled the whole adventure

Both women had a look on their faces that showed how much they loved spending time with each other. Under the blaring sun, their eyes shone with a special sparkle in them

Hestia furrowed her eyebrows as she remembered how their trip was cut short

"Well except for the crazy kidnapping psycho, everything else was perfect," she said placing her hands on top of Athena's

Athena ground her teeth at the thought of Alyssa

"That reminds me, where'd you take her because I heard she's no longer in jail?"

"You don't have to worry about that Esty, I took care of it, "Athena said squeezing Hestia's hand

Hestia squinted her eyes trying to figure out what the girl meant but seeing the non-emotional face on Athena she dropped the subject and they drove in silence

It wasn't a comfortable one, and neither was it so uncomfortable. Athena would never want Hestia to know about her dark side. It wasn't on her bucket list to allow Hestia to find out about her dark life or whatever business she handled that wasn't legal. She would do anything to protect her even from herself. Whenever she felt she was ready to let her in on her devious acts then she would tell her

Hestia wanted to figure out the girl beside her and she promised herself she would do anything to know everything about the black-haired girl. Even if it took her forever to open up and let her in she would be patient enough for her sake

"A penny for your thoughts"Athena broke the silence lightly touching the girl who was still in her world

"Oh it's nothing"


"Yes really, I was just thinking about all that, you know the situation with your ex"Hestia shrugged

"Don't worry about it, she won't ever cause us problems, I promised"Athena smiled warmly


"We're here, "Athena said as she parked the car in Hestia's garage

"It's awfully quiet here, where's everyone? I can't even see George"Hestia said as she got out

"Well it's Monday so I guess they're at work or something"Athena shrugged

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