Chapter 8

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That feeling when you thought you had your life figured out and then it all just crumbles down with a tiny piece of information?

Yeah, that's how I'm feeling.

Fate had a way of playing with people's lives. It certainly did with mine.

One minute am all lonely and a cold-hearted bitch and the next I find out that she is alive and has been in this same Folksville town as me ever since we separated.

I thought I would be happy that I had finally found my Esty but I'm not. If anything I'm more miserable than before.

Walking to my room I went past Diana without a word. She could sense I was not in the mood for anything so she just let me be and asked my princess not to disturb me.

I want to be there for her but I can't right now. I'm too unstable and might snap anytime.

Taking off my clothes leaving the briefs and my sports bra I went to blow off steam. I got to my gym room and started at the punching bag. I always felt calm after a hundred punches and I wasn't going to go easy this time.

A hundred and fifty punches later I took off my gloves and drank from my bottle. All this punching got me drenched. I went upstairs and took a cold shower finally I felt a lot calmer.

After my shower and got dressed in some black loose pants and a sport's bra I went back to bed and took out my laptop to confirm the email Katie has sent me with information about Hestia Hernandez or should I say Hestia Richardson?

I still cannot wrap my head around all this information.

Hestia Richardson/Hernandez was born on the fifth of June.
Eye Color: Brown
Favorite Color: Beige
Favorite Food: Sushi
Played softball in high school and college
Biological parents: Laura and Nicholas Richardson (deceased)
Adoptive parents: Lilith and Alexis Hernandez
Best friends: Jade Clarke - Bartender, Blair Hime - Waitress, Charles Hart- Owns a dance studio.

She has reasonable friends

Got into an accident at ten and woke up a year later with memory loss. Her parents died on impact. Taken in child services for two years and has been to three different foster homes until she was adopted by Lilith and Alexis. Has dated one guy who is now in jail for sexual harassment against Hestia, he had physically harassed her and threatened her not to mention it to her parents for four years.

He is currently serving a twenty years sentence in prison.

Her friends should have known why didn't they say anything? I asked myself

She probably asked them not to

Bastard!! He does deserve it, even a life sentence.

Graduated from Folksville College while majoring in Economics.

She had worked at my rival's company before she came to my company and I know she lied about leaving the place. I'll ask her about it sometime.

Who am I kidding I can't even look her in the eye anymore.

After leaving Katie's hideout I didn't even say a word to her except when I wanted her to take the rest of the day off.

Lame! I could tell she wanted to ask me why but she refrained perhaps too afraid to get me angry.

But that was not the case, if anything I was just so pissed at myself and at that jerk for harming her. Who in their right mind would think of hurting a woman especially a kind-hearted woman like Esty?

The only woman I had been craving for all these years is finally here with me and not even an arm's length yet I can't do a single thing about it. See how fate is playing me?

I knew there was something special about her the moment she walked into my boardroom during her interview. Now that I know what it is I'm not so sure if I can wait any longer.

What if she is not interested in women? And not just any woman, a woman with a penis?

Who am I kidding she'll just think am another freak. Hearing that from Alyssa my ex and the mother of my little girl was hurtful but hearing it from Esty would be much worse. I would be devastated, completely broken, an empty vase, an empty shell of my life.

She's the only one who has the power to destroy me yet she doesn't even know and I plan to keep it that way.

For so long have I dreamed of finally making her mine but now I can't. Not only is she working for me but also doesn't have any memory of us.

Yes, it was some dumb promise little unreasonable kids made but I was already fourteen at that time and I meant every word I said to her even if she didn't remember me when she woke up.

That was the saddest moment in my life. Seeing her in the hospital bed after a year in a coma and her saying.."Who are you, people?" Instead of I missed you Athy took a toll on me.

I couldn't help the tiny tears that escaped my eyes. I cried for my lost lover, my world.

When my mom suggested moving away for a fresh start I was reluctant of course but seeing as Esty had no memory of us I decided it was best and left with a heavy heart. But promised to be back for her and asked her to always keep the pendant I had engraved with our initials close to her. That way I wouldn't lose all contact with her.

That reminds me I haven't seen her wearing the pendant maybe it was taken away when she was adopted.

I'll be sure to check it out tomorrow morning.

Looking at the clock beside my bed it read ten am. Have I spent five hours thinking of her?

See this is what I was talking about.

"You're not seriously going after her right?"

"She should, everyone deserves a second chance and Esty has always been the one for her".

"Looks can be deceiving, what if she hurts you huh? You'll be so vulnerable and then what? Give up on everything you've been trying to build till now just because your childhood crush is back. Plus like you said you don't know if she'll accept you. Her rejection will hurt you so much and I'm not going to sit back and watch you destroy yourself."

For the hundredth time, my brain won against my heart.

How about I mention it and how she reacts?

Yeah, that's much more sensible. If she looks grossed out and scrunches her nose then I would have lost my chances with her.

Then I should bring about her sexuality. I know she doesn't judge the LGBT community seeing as she has two moms but you can never be too sure

Even Alyssa wasn't one to be grossed out not until she saw the real me

But Esty is not Alyssa and I know even with her memory loss she still has that part in her that would connect with me. I hope

Turning my lights off I got under the covers and went into a deep slumber. Let's just hope everything goes smoothly tomorrow

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