Chapter 46

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"Athy do you think it's too early to settle with B?" Cleo asked timidly

I stared at her intently waiting for her to say she was only joking. She sighed sinking into the couch her shoulders slumped

"Wait.. you're serious? I asked raising my eyebrows

"Of course I am," she said rolling her eyes

"HOLY COW CLEO!!!" I exclaimed jumping on her

"Inside voices Athy" she groaned pushing me off her

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME! THIS CALLS FOR A CELEBRATION" I squealed hugging her while she squirmed under me trying to shove me off her

"GET OFF ME!!!"She shouted probably frustrated

I would too if it were me, but alas this is happening. We've waited so long for her to finally open up after her late husband

"We should call Harry, the three of us are going out my treat," II said getting off her

"You're way over your head Athy, we don't even know if she'll say yes or no" she sighed lowly palming her face

"You're forgetting Esty is her best friend and tells her everything, which she doesn't hide from me, by the way, so trust me when I say that woman is way head over heels for you, she won't hesitate to say yes"

"So when are you planning on asking her?"I wiggled my eyebrows smiling

"Tomorrow," she said a smile forming on her dimpled face

"Wow, unexpected, but sweet. Where are you going to propose to her?"

"I want to take her somewhere that won't be so clichèd like restaurants, how about the Rasiè beach?"

I thought about it for a moment, it is a beautiful beach and has a great view of sunset so it's a hundred percent go. I can't believe my best friend is finally ready to settle. Am beyond happy for her, she deserves this more than anyone and no one can give her that except Blair, and the fact that she let her call her by her other name Kat is beyond me. I mean she doesn't even allow me to say it out loud...her own best friend


"I agree and it has an amazing view. Who's gonna photograph that moment, oh can I please go...Wait who are you going with? I rumbled

"Aren't you a nosey one?" she chuckled shoving me playfully

"Come on I wanna know"I groaned

She chuckled softly, "I don't want to have some photographs to remind me of my moments with Blair. They're always engraved in my heart even from the very first day I met her. Every time I get to spend with her is a moment itself and a special one at that." she sighed her eyes holding a faraway look..pretty sure reminiscing about how they met or something like that

"I think am going to barf from all that sweetness" I fake gagged clutching my stomach

"Oh shut up"

"But seriously Kat..she raised her perfectly shaped eyebrows...sorry Cleo...I raised my arms should have pictures taken, who knows your grandchildren may wanna see them someday"

"Athy we haven't even crossed the fiance line and you're already talking about kids?"

"You know how I love everything scheduled"I chuckled

"Don't I know" she laughed

It is times like this, I think back to when we were still teenagers. Cleo chasing egoistic, self-centered jocks while I rolled with the cheerleaders. Can't say I miss those years because I have everything I'll ever need and want now with Esty. I really can't wait for the day she'll legally be my wife

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