Chapter 22

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"Wake up you slut," I gasped breathing hard as a bucket full of ice-cold water was poured on me

Reaching out to wipe my eyes I realized I couldn' hands were tied behind my back?

Where the heck am I? The last thing I remember is three gunshots and Chris just dropped dead then massive arms went around my mouth and covered it with a towel

They must have drugged me because I have no idea what happened next or how I even got here

Squinting my eyes and gaping like a soon to be dead fish I looked around

There's not much to see as the place is so dark

"Great you're awake" I heard a monotonous voice say

Being in the dark I couldn't decipher who in their right mind would tie me up when I have nothing against anyone

"Who.... who's there?"I crocked

My throat felt so dry like I had been screaming for a long time

Just then the lights were switched on and I had to shut my eyes so fast because the light was too much to handle

"Ugh, what's with the bright light" I groaned

"Shut it princess!" the same voice demanded

I slowly opened my eyes to take a look at the person

I came face to face with a tall blonde woman probably 6'3, her blonde hair falling to her perfect curved waist, her jaw so sharp you could cut yourself running a finger over it, her small nose situated perfectly on her perfect toned face

If I wasn't in this situation I would have appreciated her beauty

She was in black tight spandex, her greenish eyes piercing straight through me

"You're Athena's current little pet huh," she said with an amused smirk on her face

Wait did she just say, Athena? Oh my Zeus what happened to her? Did she make it? Did they find Rosey? Is she looking for me? Does she even know I've been kidnapped? My moms and sister, how will they feel? My friends, oh god this is not good!

My breathing became rugged as millions of thoughts run in my head of the worst-case scenario

"Oh stop worrying I'm sure Athena is fine"

Glancing at the woman she had this sinister smile that had a lot of meaning to it

"Now princess don't dare move a muscle or you'll regret it big time, don't even think about screaming this building is soundproof so no one will hear your pathetic cry for help" she warned

"Why am I here?"I asked lowly

She tilted her head back as her voice filled the empty room in laughter. She laughed so hard and wiped fake tears from her eyes

Did I say anything funny?

One thing is clear she is one crazy woman! If she thinks I'm going to sit here and do nothing while she holds me against my will then she has something coming

"Isn't it clear? I'm holding you hostage as well, maybe be this way Athena will think twice before trying to cross me again" she scoffed

"You'' you're Alyssa?"I asked dumbfounded

This whole situation is just confusing me, why would she kidnap me? I don't have anything against her

"You must be asking yourself why I brought you here" she stated staring at me with those sharp eyes

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