Chapter 32

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Nothing fills the heart to the brim with joy than being with people you connect with. As the two women munched on their muffalettas their gazes never left each other, hazel piercing into the brown orbs with smiles that reached their eyes

Athena could not ask for anything better than what she had at the moment. Taking in the smaller woman biting into her food, her pearly teeth crushing it gracefully as her tongue darted out to wipe some that are left on her lips

Time stands still for both women as they enjoyed each other's company. Athena gazes at her smiling coyly. Everything around them fades away as they are in a galaxy on their own. Lost in the depths of each other's glazing orbs, she can feel her desire. But it was not a lustful one but a calm, gentle, and controlled one

Biting, crushing, grinding, and swallowing in silence as they drank on each other's stares. Picking up a strawberry Hestia holds it between her teeth, before staring straight at Athena who is watching her every move

Knowing she is watching her, she gently darts out her tongue and licks the strawberry though not sensually Athena is left gulping. The brown-eyed girl takes the berry between her teeth and crushes it, its juices dripping to her chin but she doesn't mind as she sticks her tongue out and licks her lips leaving them dripping berry juice

Athena tries hard to swallow a lump forming in her throat as she watches this. She knows that Hestia knows what she is doing to her and she was going to get back at her

Hestia reaches for the grapes and takes a whole bunch before leading them to her teeth and crushing them, the juice from the fruits dripping to her neck and down to her crevice. Athena's eyes widened as she followed the dripping juice down to Hestia's cleavage

She groans lowly but is heard by Hestia who smirks at her achievement

"Stop Esty" she whispered her voice low and uncontrolled

"What if I don't ?" The woman replied

Athena chuckled lightly, "You won't get away with this"

"Oh yeah, what are you going to do about it Miss Ealwood" she taunted

"God Esty" Athena grunted feeling her insides burning as her heart raced in its cage

Hestia did not even know where that newfound confidence came from. But realized that Athena brings out a different her and she loved every second with her and would give anything to be with her

Athena opens the wine pouring both of them a glass. She takes a paper plate and places a piece of red velvet cake Diana made them. One plate, two women, one fork. Of course, Athena planned this and Hestia knows it

Taking a sip from her glass, she takes a small-sized piece and feeds Hestia staring in her orbs. She watches as she munches and swallows. Cutting another piece, this one larger than the first, she feeds her, some of it falling from her lips. Hestia reaches for a napkin to wipe it but is stopped by Athena's hand

She picks a napkin, leans over, and wipes some from her lips leaving some cream on her chin. She brushes her hands over her cheek, grazing it ever so lightly, her thumb lightly touches her lower lip as Hestia's breath hitched

Staring at those plump lips, Athena thought of the many times she got closer to kissing them. Hestia felt all air falling thin around her. All she could see and feel was the girl's lips and hot breath fanning her

Athena leaned in causing the goldilocks-haired woman to suck in a deep breath and her eyes fluttering close as she leaned forward. Athena however did not go for her lips as Hestia had thought. She only brushed her lips against hers before lowering her head to her chin covered in cream and swiping her tongue licking it all. Hestia felt the wild zoo thundering in her stomach as her heart hammered in her chest

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