Chapter 43

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It's been exactly six months since the two women opened up to each other. Six months since Athena finally asked Hestia to be her girlfriend. And in those six months, they couldn't have been happier. With each day that passed Athena fell more in love with her than she had ever

Hestia knew she was also falling for her but she was scared of admitting it. It's also been six months since Damien Ares went missing, he couldn't come up with an amount to pay Athena back. So his only choice was to disappear. He couldn't risk being caught by The Ealwood's, their cruel reputation preceded them. Not that they were that way naturally, they only showed that side of them when people crossed their lines

It was also six months and two weeks since Alyssa had been in the chamber of doom. Her frail body was against the walls as her hands were tied to the ceiling. All her bones poked from her emaciated body. You could count each bone to the last. She had lost all color with a pale one replacing her famous tanned one. Her blonde hair had lost all its color completely looking as pale as ever

Her hair was disheveled and some of it missing. Where her fingers were was low replaced with huge white covers ups that acted as bandages. Her eyes with huge bags under them, while they were inwards in their empty sockets. Her once lovely blue orbs were nothing short of pale sickening orbs. Her dry chapped lips with bits of blood from the small cuts on it for being so dry for months

Her once full and curved body was filled with cuts and the puss came out of some wounds. Her only meal was dried bread and water for those months. Even as Athena stood in front of her now, she couldn't recognize her. The mental torment she was put through was enough to mess with her brain

Sometimes she would catch herself singing along to some of the childish games she used to play. Athena displayed her last torture item on a tray as she watched Alyssa lose her mind. There was a time when she thought she was in love with her and would have done everything to keep her safe. But that was until she decided that Athena wasn't worth anything

Athena was ready to finish what she started like she had promised there was no way she was letting her get out of that chamber alive. It didn't matter if anyone would think she didn't have a heart, you would too if you knew her as she did

"You're such a bitch"

Even with her state, hanging from the ceiling, thin like a rubber band, and disoriented, Alyssa couldn't help her bitchy nature. She spat on Athena who chuckled wiping the spit off her face

"And you are ready to go to hell" she sighed picking up a bottle filled with some oily substance

"Know what this is?" she asked the skinny woman

Alyssa rolled her boreholes tiredly, "let's get this over with" she whizzed coughing slightly, her visible ribs showing more

"Eager are we?" she removed the cap of the bottle while she kept her eyes on the tired woman

Throwing the cap down, she guided the bottle to her mouth, "open wide and don't fucking try to spit this because I will have Roger finish you" she threatened as she tilted the bottle down her throat

Alyssa unwillingly opened her mouth and the liquid was forced down her dry throat. She tried to gag on it but with Athena's grip on her scalp, she forced the drink inside her. She could taste the oily nature of the drink and it made her sick to the stomach. If she was aware she would have already recognized the oil

Castor oil if you prefer, was used back in the day. I mean the medieval times, they would forcedly feed victims with a huge amount of castor oil. Why?

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