Chapter 26

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We all have those moments when everything seems to be out of place. We feel the lowest we've ever and you don't think anything can cheer you up. We tend to blame the skies and throw all our accusations to a god. It always seems like everything we do doesn't seem right however hard you try

You feel like everything and everyone's against you. Not even a bazillion amount of money can solve whatever you're going through. Most people will advise you to stay strong and that it will pass eventually. But what happens when you don't truly believe that will be the case. When you have all the money in the world but you're still miserable... all you are is a figment of your imagination

Athena was torn apart, every ounce of her being was aching for her beloved daughter and Hestia. She has never felt such pain before. Even as she sits in her office, her head lowered in her palm, her holes where those beautiful hazel eyes used to be are now empty shells. The massive bags can be seen under her eyes

Her jelled black hair was now disheveled, unkempt. She had no will to go on. Her tired relaxed posture could be noticed even by a stranger. She dragged herself around like a zombie

Two weeks of tracing and attacking fell in vain. Every single location is just another trap set by her maniac of an ex. Two weeks of searching in more than ten countries and two islands fell in vain. But she did not give up not even for a second. Every beep on her phone would startle her sick mind and she would reach out just to have a glimpse of good news

Riiiiiiiiiiiiing!The small device in her black pantsuit startle the young woman out of her "limbo"

"Yes" came her exhausted raspy voice

"Am so sorry Athy, there's nothing I can do anymore, every call leads us to a dead-end and Alyssa has stopped calling for three days now. I'm sorry I wish I could help you more but this is where I get stuck" Katie the informant sighed in pity

"It's okay Katie, I'll figure out what to do about this"Athena mumbled

"Good luck with it Athy, again I'm sorry" she hung up leaving the black-haired woman in her thoughts

Thoughts.Mind. The mind is very dangerous. When we have nothing to look forward to we are consumed by our dark thoughts. Many of us tend to get into overthinking which leads to depression, anxiety, panic attacks, being closed off. It's all in the mind

"Where are you, Alyssa? Where did you hide them?"Athena thinks to herself

"If I were some crazy, psycho and a bitch where would I be hiding?"

Hide and seek! Who doesn't like the game? Especially when you're the one Alyssa. I wouldn't want to be the one seeking

"I've tried all the places I could think of, plus traced the phone calls but with no success" she mumbles

"Still talking to yourself I see, "Cleopatra her best friend says as she locked the wooden office door behind her

"Athy have you ever looked in the mirror lately?" she questions tilting her head to the side

"Why would I need a mirror when all I want is a clue as to where that son of a FUCKING BITCH took my daughter and my Esty?" she says irritated

"So now it's your Esty?"Cleopatra raises her neatly drawn eyebrows

"That's beside the point, if you didn't come here to help me I'd suggest you take your leave Cleo, "Athena replies too tired to put up a bicker with her best friend

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