Chapter 7

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...." Esty"...

"Esty my mom is taking us to the carnival now, come with me" I heard a little girl calling me. Turning to face her I couldn't see anything but darkness and the next light that came to my view was me in the hospital.

I've always had these episodes where a bit of memory comes back causing me to groan in pain whenever I try to force myself to remember more.

It's mostly about some little girl calling me Esty and bits of what happened before my accident but whenever I try to look at her I usually see darkness and that's it. I wonder why this was triggered when I heard Miss Ealwood call me Esty. Did she know anyone going by the same name? Guess I'll never know because she dismissed it real quickly as if she was guilty of something.

I took the elevator to the third floor to Lillian's office so she could show me to my office.

"Hello, Lilian Miss Grum.....Ealwood wants you to show me to my office please." I said to the short red-haired woman.

Phew! I almost called her Miss Grumpy in the presence of her secretary.

"Yeah right, it's on the same floor as Athy's let us go back" she giggled

Athy??????!!!!!! They must be real close for her to call the boss by her nickname.


Hold up...

Did she just say it's on the same floor I came from?

She made me go all the way to the other floor when she could have shown me herself. Talk about modesty. I scoffed.

"Here you go"

I didn't even realize we had arrived.

"Thanks, Lilian"

"It's nothing" she chuckled

"You can change the setting to what suits you if you like"

"Sure thing let me get settled, "I said putting my purse on the table.

"Yeah okay," she said walking out not before saying"If you want to order something for your office you can always charge it to the company".

Wait I could do that? Just how rich is Miss Grumpy. Oh yeah, she owns a chain of Jewelry stores.

Staring at the office I wondered how I should design it. I could always get potted plants around the room. A beige curtain. Some couch for taking breaks. A coffee maker. A mini-fridge. Don't judge me it's for emergencies when I work late in the night.

Yep, that's it. Now to get her schedules before she fires my ass.

I turned on the computer on my desk and saw I had already been logged in to the company's website. An email popped up on the screen. Clicking on it I saw Miss Grumpy sent me a welcoming to the company email and a copy of this month's schedule.

I guess this makes my work easier. Clicking on it I saw she even had scheduled time for meeting her parents. Seriously!!?? Can't you just excuse your so-called calendar to see your parents at any time?

Speaking of parents I should call my moms. Getting my phone I dialed their numbers for a group conversation.

"Hola mamá"I smiled

"Hola mi princesa, you at work?" my mom Lilith asked.

"Sí mamá I just started"

"Aww, and you called just to tell us that Lexi honey you spoiled your daughter too much" my mom cooed.

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