Chapter 24

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You wouldn't know the pain of losing a child if you don't have one. Adopting Artemis and Athena wasn't easy, especially since Lexi and I are a gay couple. Social workers and the adoption agency kept 'visiting' us just to know if we failed as parents so they could take them away. They called us 'unfit' because we had no male figure to raise them. Both Lexi and I strived hard to prove to them that we could raise them right

We got through all that and a lot more coming from family members, my mother disowned me when I came out. Since then I have not had any contact with them. Tsk.. you would think being the last born I would have been accepted but not everything goes how we wish

I can't believe I even went with the idea knowing it would be dangerous for her. She's so stubborn just like her mom. I may have overreacted but what do expect me to do? She's my daughter, now she's missing. I knew something would go wrong but Artemis and Lexi kept saying I was just being paranoid

Hestia may have grown so much but she'll always be my little princess. I have no idea where she is. Is she even eating? Has she taken a bath? How am I going to find her?

"Mi Amor solo asustaste a la pobre chica"

I am brought from my train of thoughts by Lexi who has her arms on her tiny waist with raised eyebrows

"I didn't scare her, I was only stating facts, I want Es back unharmed" I sighed

"I want that too but you didn't have to choke the poor girl, you and I both know Es likes her now, how would she act if she heard you just squeezed her crush to palp," Lexi said

"Yeah well Es isn't here, is she? I questioned getting annoyed again

I can't believe she's taking her side, I mean it's our daughter missing here and I warned all of them

"You're taking her side now?"

"I'm not taking anyone's side Lily and you know that Athena's daughter was kidnapped as well, have you stopped to think what she's going through?" she raised her voice her eyes piercing mine

"I'm going to my room mom, "Artemis said walking away probably not wanting to get caught up in all this. I knew she was right but my ego wouldn't let me admit that out loud

"Who cares what she's going through I just want Es back alive and I warned you didn't I? Eh!? You're just going to sit here not worrying where your daughter is Alexis Claire Hernandez?! I shouted standing up

"Not my middle name Lilith you know I hate it" she snapped gritting her teeth

"Don't you think am worried about Es? Of course, I am, but we have to be the grown-ups here and be reasonable. Getting worked up won't solve anything. We just have to be patient and pray everything goes smoothly with Athena's plan. I trust her even if you don't" she stated clenching and unclenching her fists

"Yeah well I don't trust her"I argued stubbornly

"Just admit it you're scared! Es isn't a child anymore and there are some decisions she's going to make without involving you, and you're scared you won't be there protect her" she said then walked away her head shaking in disapproval

Of course, I'm scared, she's not my little girl anymore and there are some things she'll do her way even if I don't agree with it. I have to let her go and trust her. I just hope she's safe I wouldn't know what to do if something bad happened to her

I know I may be overreacting but that's what parenting does to you. It makes you realize you're in charge of another life and have the huge responsibility of raising it in the right way or else you failed miserably and then society blames you.

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