Chapter 33

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"Someone's happy," Diana said as I walked in

"Yes I am D, "I said smiling

"Uh oh! should be worried about it?" she asked

I laughed lightly patting her shoulder, "Not D, can't I be happy for once?"

"You and happy don't go together," she said shaking her head

"What are you insinuating D?" I frowned

"Nothing" she screeched

"High pitched nothing always means something, tell me honestly D"

"Okay fine, it's just I have not seen you smiling this much ever since that happened with her," she said

I knew exactly what she meant. And I won't lie it is true that I have never been myself since childhood, since the accident....the memory moving away. It was just too much for me

"Who are you, people?"

That question still breaks my heart, little me already had everything planned out for her future, then it gets completely shattered by one thing. By something so unexpected

But I won't lose hope, I know she'll regain everything and once she does I'll be right here for her

"Yeah I know D"I sighed

"So how was it?" she said wiggling her eyebrows grinning

"How was what?"I smirked

"Pease don't give me that"she chuckled

"It was amazing, like the best thing that's ever happened to me D"I smiled replaying the evening date

I chuckled softly at the memory, replaying the kiss like a record in my head over and over. I never thought one would feel all those sensations from a kiss alone but boy was I wrong. I feel like some teenager from a Wattpad fiction

Oh Lord save me I'm drowning

"Look at you with those googly and dreamy eyes, you love her that much huh"

"You have no idea," I said

"Dad, you're home already, where's Aunt Esty?"I turned to my little girl who had a purple onesie on

"Yes I am princess, Aunt Esty had to go home and rest, I see you're wearing the onesie she bought you"

"Yes daddy it's so comfy," she said hugging herself

"Come here, let daddy tuck you in, "I said opening my arms for her

I carried her upstairs to her room and kissed her forehead before switching her lights off and going up to my room to take a bath and sleep

I threw the covers off and got in before I could lie to sleep my phone dinged with a message

My Luna🌜: Okay so now you forget your Besty!!!????

I rolled my eyes, Cleo can be so dramatic

Me: When have I ever

My Luna🌜: Don't give me that🙄you seriously did!

Me: Okay..okay I'm sorry, I'll take you out tomorrow

My Luna🌜: Yay...I'm picking the restaurant

Me: Nothing fancy Cleo

My Luna🌜: Sure

Me:🙄 I'm sleeping

My Luna🌜: 😹...Goodnight boo

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