Chapter 38

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"I knew you wouldn't last to the holidays, now pay up" Jade chuckled

"Oh come on"Hestia groaned face-palming herself

She didn't imagine she'd even get close to Athena, her being her boss and all. Especially after her first harsh encounter with her

"Pay up bitch"Jade playfully glared before busting into a fit of giggles at Hestia's frown

"We aren't technically dating" she mumbled

Jade gave her a 'don't try to get out of this look before shrugging

"And I only said, you'll kiss before the holidays and it hasn't even been over two months"

"Argh fine, I can't believe I even got into your stupid game," she said pulling out a hundred from her purse

Jade proudly smirking taking the cash in her hands before sniffing and sighing with satisfaction. Hestia glared at her making the blonde woman laugh

"It may have been stupid but I won," she said

"Yeah right"Hestia scoffed

"Told you I'd let her win"I smirked proudly

"Laylani now's not the time, shoo"Hestia groaned. I chuckled lightly before flipping her

"Who's a sore loser?"Jade mocked

"Drop it Jade Annister Clarke"Hestia stated half irritated, half hating the fact that Jade won

Jade cringed at the use of her middle name and rose her arms up in defeat

"Fine fine" she muttered

"Good, now how are things with Stella?"Hestia asked feeling a little guilty she hadn't been around her best friend with her work taking almost all of her time

Jade's eye lit up at the mention of the woman. Things have been smooth between them and she couldn't ask for more. Turns out Stella was just scared of Jade's previous reputation of flinging with different women and then breaking their hearts when they fell in love with her and she couldn't reciprocate it

Well, it had only been a rumor that took time before Stella believed and trusted her. To say it was the best decision she ever made was an understatement. Stella was grateful she decided to give them a chance and forget about what people said

This was between them and it was her decision and not an ounce of her regretted it with how caring and loving Jade had been. So she wouldn't let anyone's opinion matter except hers and Jade's

"Good, I'm now planning to make us official"Jade's eyes gleamed with happiness as she talked about the brunette

"Am so happy for you Jay, I am, am just surprised how you never gave up even after the many times she turned you down"Hestia said honestly before laughing lightly as she remembered Jade's previous attempts to flirt with the woman

"Am so happy much you have no idea, I just know that when you want something or someone in this case you just don't give up because someday it will just work itself out" Jade said and chuckled running her fingers in her long hair

"Speaking of which, how'd you even start things with her?"Hestia asked curiously and the fact that Jade just laughed made her furrow her brows and stare at the girl


"Nothing it's just a funny story now that I think of it, "Jade said

"Mind telling me about it"Hestia pouted

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