Chapter 6

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Waking up at four am was a normal thing for me. Pushing my covers up I put on some Calvin Klein sports bra, some shorts, and sneakers. I walk downstairs to the gym room for some workouts.

An hour later I was sweating profusely, having worked out my arms, glutes, and abs. I like to keep healthy and fit so eating fast foods has never been my thing. That and I'm also vegan. Of course, there was a time even I consumed meat, I just left that part of me twelve years ago with my little girl crush. Yes am gay what'd you expect?

I had a pretty uneventful weekend except for the part where I took Miss Hernandez to her place. I can't stop thinking about what happened. Although I know she won't know I took it upon me to get her to safety and I'd like to keep it that way. Don't need her thinking she's indebted to me or anything like that.

I hope she gets to work early because if there's anything I hate more than homophobic assholes are tardy people. Call me a freak but I fire anyone who comes late to work. That's how my last PA went, three times and she was on her last straw. The fourth time I didn't even let her in the building, I just sent her her salary in her bank account and that was it. No company prospers with late, uncommitted people.

I went back upstairs to take a shower and get ready for work. I put on my black pantsuit and walked to the kitchen to make some breakfast. Preparing my banana smoothie I took my phone and dialed my dad.

"Good morning dad," I said when he picked up.

"Hey kiddo, already going to work?" he asked.

"Yes dad you know I have to get there before everyone plus I got a new assistant so I'm hoping I could show her the strings around the office."

"Is that Athy?"I heard mom asking.

"Yeah," my dad said and I heard shuffling on the other side before my mom's voice filled my ears.

"Hey, baby why won't you call your mom every day?...and why am I not hearing about a girlfriend or a wife, you know I'm getting old already I want grandchildren Athy." mom sniffled.

Here we go again.

"Oh mother please not this again, I told you am still waiting for her. Besides it's not like you're going anywhere soon, you still got a hundred more years to live with me" I sighed.

You're probably wondering why mother wants grandkids, well I'm Intersex and am not ashamed of how I am because I know she will accept me no matter what because we made a promise to each other.

Call me a fool but I know she's my forever and I won't get tired of waiting.

I may be hard, cold-hearted and a rude bitch to everyone but that's because I have seen the cruel side of the world. I've gone through a lot, with the insults, the bullying, and everything negative thrown at me while growing up. People tend to hurt others without thinking of the trauma they put them through

The mother of my little girl left me because "I am a freaking abomination"how she used to call me when she found out

One drunken mistake and I got a girl pregnant. Ten months later she came back and found me. Imagine her shock when she found out a girl got her pregnant and not just a girl but a girl with a penis. She forced my pants down to confirm if I was truly a "freak" and that's when all hell broke loose.

"You fucking freaking abomination got me pregnant. How could I be so blind? I refuse to keep such a child from a demon's spawn. I don't give a damn what happens but I'm not taking care of a kid from a freak. Do you think anyone would accept to be with such a sorry for excuse freak or even get to keep their child? I'm leaving and don't even think of looking for me" She shouted and then literally spat on me.

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