Chapter 16

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I woke up feeling something warm invading me. I don't remember sleeping with anything this warm

Turning my head I'm faced with a sleeping Athy. Looking over I noticed her arms draped over my waist

We didn't even sleep this close how am I tangled up with her?

I tried lifting her arms so I could slip to the bathroom but it was no use

She only tightened her grip around me and snuggled closer her soft breath hitting my neck

I shuddered and turned to stare at her

How can anyone look this gorgeous sleeping?

Her chest rose and fell steadily, her nose scrunched a little. Her features are such a sight to behold

Smiling I got my phone from the nightstand beside me and took a picture silently

I didn't want her waking up and find me staring at her like a creep

I could tease her about this later

Staring at the picture I found myself smiling. She's just so beautiful

"You know it's rude to take a picture of someone sleeping Esty" I heard a raspy voice say

I turned my head to see Athy staring at me smirking

Not expecting her to be awake I screamed falling from the bed, dropping my phone, and hitting my head on the nightstand in the process

Groaning in pain I said, "Why'd you do that Athy?"

She busted out laughing in response whilst I just pouted and rubbed my bump

"Aaw don't pout Esty, it's not my fault you were staring" she smirked

"It is, you scared me, you were supposed to be sleeping, "I said

Glancing at her I caught her staring at me with an amused look on her face

"What? Do I have drool on my face?"I asked while wiping my face

She chuckled, "No that's not it"

"Then what?"

"You're just so pretty Esty," she grinned

I felt my insides flatter, my heart raced, some feeling washed in my insides and settled at the pit of my stomach

Heat rose to my cheeks as I tried to hide my red face

Oh, sweet Zeus what's happening to me? Not even Ken got me to feel this way yet I had been with him for so long

Blushing I mumbled a thank you Athy

"You're also very beautiful Athy, "I complimented and watched her trying hard to cover a blush that was creeping its way in her face but failing miserably

"Oh please you're just saying that," she was crimson by now

"No I mean it Athy I don't know why you don't even see it"

"Thank you, Esty," she said clearing her throat

It was amusing to watch The Great Athena blush so hard

"I'm gonna go workout a little then take a shower, you can order room service if you'd like," she said changing the subject

She pushed the covers from her and stood up. I gasped when I saw her penis. To say it was huge is an understatement, it was so massive and stood proudly inside her briefs

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