Chapter 17

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Way to go little buddy you just embarrassed us in front of Esty. I scolded

At least she didn't scream or look disgusted if anything I think she wanted to touch me

I felt my member twitch at that thought

Shaking my head I took some black sweatpants and a white tee and went back to eat

I found Esty lying on the bed, her tank top rode above her waist exposing her toned stomach and tiny waist, her legs hanged loosely to the floor.

She was still in a daze, I know I was

Being so close to her had my chest throbbing. I was this close to closing the distance between our lips

I know she can feel the sparks I feel when we touch but she's still hung up on the, "I'm straight" phase

She'll come around I know she will. When she does I'm never letting her go no matter what happens

I'll treasure her like the gem she is. I know like Esty a scratch that...I love Esty.

I've always loved her since we were kids and I'm not going to stop even death won't stop me. I'll still love her even then

I took my breakfast and sat on the couch and ate.

She still hasn't noticed me, what's she thinking about?

I finished eating and cleared my throat loud enough for her to hear

She sat up startled and looked around

"How'd you eat so fast?" she asked confused

"I didn't eat fast you were just in your world to hear me, "I chuckled

"Oh" she smiled

"What do you wanna do today?"I asked

"Uh...uh...I don't know anything I guess, we could watch a movie or something," she mumbled

"How about I take you around Delta?"

"That sounds good let me just change" she smiled

"Great let me call the driver and we could leave,"

"Are you not changing into something else?" she questioned

"No...I'm comfortable" I chuckled

She went and came back in some beige tights and a black crop top that read "THEY BIG"

I raised my eyebrows at that and she just laughed, "It's only some writing Athy"

"You sure that ain't true, "I teased

Of course, it was true, she had a nice set of perky boobs.


I'm no perv just appreciating her beauty

"Yeah right appreciating"

Seriously I'm only stating a fact

She blushed her eyes fixated on the floor

"Since when is the floor more interesting than this gorgeous body" I smirked pointing at myself

"Cocky much" she shyly said

"It's not being cocky if it's true," I raised my eyebrows

She hit me playfully and I faked being hurt clutching my arm

"Ouch how could you, "I whined

"Oh please like a slap in the arm could hurt you," Esty rolled her eyes playfully

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