Chapter 3

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Silence. That was the only thing consuming me apart from my pounding heart. I wasn't always this scared and anxious while in an interview but this is my last chance to find a paying job after I was sucked from my last because I couldn't handle a "personal business" if you know what I mean. That nutcase wanted to "please" me sexually so he could give me a raise as if I'm that stupid. Anyway, I left the place and applied at ten different companies, some said they already had secretaries and Personal assistants while some offered very low pay yet I was in dire need of the cash.

Vrr!vrr!I was startled when I heard my phone vibrating. Reaching in my purse to pull it out I saw my mom's name popping up on the screen. Pressing accept I heard my mom saying,"¿Cómo va la entrevista mi princesa?

"I am still waiting in line mamà and I told you I'm all grown up now stop calling me your princess, "I groaned.

"¿Escuchaste que Lilith?"

Uh... oh... I knew her calling my other mom was not good at all so I was quick to respond before she said anything.

"Lo siento mamá of course, I'm your princess."

"That's what I thought," she snickered, "Anyway good luck with your interview, te llamé mas tarde, te amo también."

"Adiós mamá, love you both so much but I gotta go"

I hung up. At least I know my family has got my back and my best friends too. They always say keep your family closer to you especially your mom because she'll always be there for you no matter what and I'm so glad to have both my mother's support, and yes I have two moms who I am so proud of. They took me in when I thought no one would.

"Hestia Hernandez? Can Hestia please come we are ready for her".

I quickly got up and went to the short slim brunette who called my name. Finally, my butt was getting hard from all the waiting.

"Please come this way," she beamed a little excited while I was freaking out

It's okay Es Just be honest with them. They say honesty is the best policy for a reason right? Oh and don't forget to maintain eye contact, okay what is wrong with me and why am I even talking to myself. I mentally facepalmed.

I was brought back from my subconscious argument when I heard her clear her throat

"Please be seated Miss Hernandez," said the woman. I need to know her name

I sat down and my eyes found themselves glancing around the room. The decor was spot on. You could tell the person who designed this loved leather so much. There were different kinds of potted plants surrounding the spacious room. The floor was carpeted with a black woolen carpet, who does that in an office. Of course rich snobs, I scoffed at that thought. The chandelier was hanging from the ceiling to the middle of the room illuminating everything in sight. Huge windows that looked like. . .

"Miss Hernandez I asked you a question?"

I jumped turning my eyes to the deep commanding yet soothing voice that called out to me

I was met with piercing eyes that could bore holes if they stared long. Seated at the center was a woman. No, rephrase that. A goddess. Yeah, that's right.

I felt my jaw dropping at her sight. From her hazel eyes to her sharp but cute nose, her short black jet hair jelled, her defined jaw that would shame any man alive, and her luscious pink plump lips. I can't believe I'm saying this but it should be a crime to look this gorgeous

I am simply appreciating her beauty, don't get any ideas.

Clearing all my thoughts I said to the woman "I'm sorry but please pardon me."

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