Chapter 10

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Closing the door behind me I chuckled to myself. Did that just happen? Did it? She just flirted right?

Walking to my office I sat and began checking up on her upcoming events. Marking the time and the venue on my diary I sighed and logged off. Looks like I have nothing for the rest of the day except when an impromptu meeting occurs then I can relax.

Taking my phone out I called Jade up, she has her shift in the evening at the bar today so I know am not interrupting anything unless she has a girl over. I don't wanna be a pussy blocker but I need to share my excitement with someone. Blair is busy at the restaurant while Charles is at the studio.

"Hey girly" I chirped as soon as she picked up.

"Ugh, why are you so cheery it's only eight in the morning."

Jade has never been a morning person, but who cares now I need my best friend.

"Can't I just be happy and call my best friend up?"I said

" why'd you call boo because I wanna go back to sleep?" She yawned

"Come on Jay just be a little alive for five minutes" I pouted

"I know you can't see me but I'm pouting Jay" I added

"Fine fine what's up sunshine?" she gave in

"Remember how I told you Miss Grumpy hates me?"I questioned

"Yeah you said you hated her bitchy attitude"

"Hate is a strong word to phrase it but that's not it."I defended

"Had a change of heart?" she chuckled

"That's not it....well that was close but not it, she came in and invited me for coffee in her office and she makes the best coffee. Better than mamà's but don't tell me her said that," I chuckled. We then talked a lot about ourselves and I even got to know a little about her. She's a big sweetheart if you get to know her. I know it's too soon to speak but I do know that she's just putting out a bitchy front so no one would try to get close to her but knowing me I'd dig in and find the real her. That's a promise"

"Aaaaw baby am so proud of you I thought she'd bite your head off, "Jade squealed

"I know right plus I think she tried to flirt with least that's what I think...maybe not...I mean who would want to flirt with a nobody like me. I can't be enough for her plus am straight." I said

I don't even know why I felt a little pang in my heart when she said she was only teasing. Of course, she wouldn't be interested in a lowlife. Am nothing compared to her successful ass? And am STRAIGHT so yeah there's that. But I still couldn't help but feel hurt.

"Straight my ass just say you're intimidated by her" Jade scoffed

"Jade you know I've never been attracted to any woman" I rolled my eyes.

"Who's to say you won't ever, maybe she's the one for you, you won't know unless you try babe." she reasoned

"Are you out of your mind Jay!!! She's my boss for crying out loud."I argued

"Who cares? Love knows no bounds especially statuses."

"Love???? I questioned, you are moving way too fast Jay.

"That's beside the point I'm trying to make, you know what I meant. I bet you a hundred you guys will be a thing by the end of the year" she challenged

"What if it doesn't happen, "I asked

It might be a win for me because I know there's no one she and I could ever be a thing.

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