Chapter 20

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I watched Athy striding close to me. She walked like some straight-out model from famous magazines. Her steps measured, her head held high and eyes unwavering

"Mind telling me more about yourself then? I questioned when she had just reached a few inches from me

"Oh no, that will be saved for some other time, right now I want to know how you got a hold of all these paintings and the art display around your walls surely it must have cost you a fortune"

I've always loved painting ever since I can remember. When I left Poly Enterprises I had all the time in the world before I could get a job. So I bought my art supply and voila created a few masterpieces

Jade's always asked me to join competitions even if I didn't want to. She said it will open new doors for me

I'm quite satisfied with my job so I just do it to pass time or to clear my head especially when I was under stress

" to Esty"Athy snapped her fingers in my face

"Huh?...oh yeah..well I painted those, "I said scratching behind my neck

"Oh my gosh really"Athy's eyes bulged wide like some spaceship

"Uh...yeah I did, "I chuckled

"It's not a big deal Athy"

"Not a big DEAL are you kidding me, this is such a huge deal. I didn't even think you could paint let some anything so amazing. You have a special talent" she exclaimed

"Oh well..I..uh...I don't know what to say...thank you"

Stupid Es...Really

It felt great to have someone appreciate your efforts. This was no different

To think Athy adores my art is just heartwarming

"I could do a piece for you...only if you'd like that" I offered

"Are you kidding me Esty" she frowned

"Of course not why would I?"

"Then I'd love that, I can hang it up in my office or my room" she smiled

"Consider it done"

"Thank you so much, Esty," she said

"Oh it's nothing Athy don't mention it"

"No it's something and not just that, thank you for everything you've done for me, I'm sorry I was rude to you before I'm just not good with letting people in"she sighed

I walked closer to her and whispered, "It's okay Athy I told you before I'm going to be here for you and I don't usually break my promises....except if it's about food then oops sorry I will break that,"

She chuckled before staring at me, it was only then I noticed how close we were

Her perfect face was merely inches away from mine

Why do I always find myself in this situation

"What are you thinking about?" she asked biting her lower lip

I could not stare away from those plump lips while they were just so inviting and right in my face

It was like I was under some spell that only she had put me in. Only she had the power to break that spell because in no way hell was I going to

"You, "I said and she took a deep breath

"What about me?" she mumbled

My eyes were still fixated on her lower lips tucked neatly between her teeth

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