Chapter 49

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Trigger Warning: Mention of Torture(blood, burning flesh)


"How is she, Marina?" Athena asked her doctor

Hestia's family was down in the lobby, her sister Artemis sobbed quietly into her mother's shoulders. They still hadn't been allowed to see Hestia, the doctors were trying to stitch up her cuts. They couldn't do a thing about her acid burn except try to ease the pain, flashing with cold water and she was given some naproxen. They tried peeling off the damaged skin but it proved to cause more harm

"I won't lie to you Athy the acid burn was to the subcutaneous layer, a full-thickness injury. If it happens she wants a new skin we can do the grafting. If not, then it will heal but will a permanent scar across her right arm, her chin, and her abdomen. She also might be temporarily blind but we still have to monitor her for any changes. I'm sorry" Dr. Roberts said

Athena felt her whole world turned upside down, her stomach caught in knots as it churned. Her heartfelt heavy in her chest.

"My baby?" she asked barely above her breath

"We checked the baby and turns out she's quite a fighter. She didn't succumb to any of the injuries. Very healthy. Am proud of you Athy, everything will be fine eventually, you can go ahead and see her."Dr. Roberts said patting Athena on the back then walking away to check on her other patients

Athena dragged herself inside the room, her heart hammering with each step. Glancing at the bed she saw her nightmare as a pale-skinned Hestia laid lifeless on the bed. Wires hooked to the heart monitor, the only sound coming from her is ragged breathing over the oxygen mask. Her arm was covered in bandages, her chin to the neck was covered in it too. Her eyes closed as though she was already in another world...she may be as well...

Athena's eyes watered as she reached out to hold Hestia's frail hands. Her arms felt cold against hers, she stroked her palms softly as tears fell from her eyes. Her eyes lowered to her stomach to where a small bump could be seen. She reached for it caressing it softly," Daddy's here my little angel" she mumbled sniffling

Laying her head on the bed, she let it all out. She cried clutching Hestia's arms tightly but not too tight to hurt her. Her shoulders shook rapidly as she cried even more. " If I knew this would happen I wouldn't have come into your life" she lamented sobbing

"It wasn't your fault" she heard someone in the room say. She turned to see Lilith leaning against the door. She hadn't even heard her come in. Lilith extended her arms for her, she walked to her hugging her tightly as she shook. " It's okay Athy, she's a fighter" she cooed rubbing her back softly

"No you don't understand, they burned her, I'll always blame myself" Athena argued crying

"At least she's alive Athy, there's nothing we can do about it, it's already happened. All we can do is pray she and the baby heal from this trauma" Lilith sighed

Athena nodded against her, though the feeling had not ceased. She was still going to make Ken pay for this, he messed up big when he attacked the love of her life

"I'm sorry for ruining your shirt," Athena said as she moved away from Lilith wiping her nose

"Oh that's nothing dear" Lilith chuckled

"I should get going, I have some important thing to take care of," Athena said wiping her swollen eyes

"We'll be here" Lilith hugged her before she left

Athena drove to her home, stripped, and walked to the bathroom. Coldwater hit her back as she sighed in relief, her swollen eyes had reduced as she pressed a cold towel over them. She finished taking a bath, dried herself, and dressed in a black pantsuit paired with a pair of black sharp heels. She tied her short hair in a messy unlike her...but she knew she was going to need it that way. Taking her shades and keys she drove back to her dad's place

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