Chapter 5

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"Wake up Es it's already two pm" I groaned and pulled the covers over my head. I'm a light sleeper so I could hear Blair whining which reminds me how did they even get in here? Wait am I in bed? Maybe the guys brought me back.

"No, I wanna sleep some more, "I said turning away from them.

I felt the covers yanked away and bolted up. Hitting my head in the process. My head started throbbing, I had almost forgotten I had drunk yesterday and now I'm hangover.

"Here take this"

I reached out for the Advil and glass of water.

"Thanks" I mumbled.

"How'd you guys get in here and y'all fuckin left me alone yesterday, who brought me back here? Why don't I remember anything?"I groaned.

See this is what happens when I let them drag me into their drinking shenanigans. Although I asked them yesterday that's beside the point. They still left me, assholes!

"Woah there Es slow down, we found your door open and just got in, we wanted to check on you because we didn't see you leave."

"Wait what the hell guys!"I exclaimed

"Who brought me here and stop with the games my head is killing me. What do you mean you didn't bring me here then who did? I don't remember talking to anyone besides you."

"What if some stranger or a weirdo came with me and I just gave them my address...Oh my!What if I hooked up with someone and they left already?.... I may contract some disease and I'll be blaming y'all" I was panicking.

Who wouldn't? Being a lightweight has its cons, right now I don't remember whatever transpires the other night I just pray some creepy old man didn't take me home.

"Calm down Es, Deep inhale.....exhale....we found you tucked in so a weirdo wouldn't do that"

"Yeah because Athena didn't stare at her like a freaking creepo."Laylani mocked

"Shut the fuck up Laylani this ain't your story."I hissed

"Okay okay no need to get defensive Es," she said

"Yeah that's right and wait what do you mean Athena stared at me like a creepo?"I asked


Estúpido...... that's what she does leave me hanging after mentioning something you'd consider important. I can't believe I talk to her like she exists.

"Plus the person left you some Advil, sounds like a reasonable person and you don't smell like you had sex so you're good, let's just get you in the shower"Charles reasoned.

That's true I don't feel sore so I must be okay. Getting in the shower I let the cold water cascade down my body. Why do I feel like someone important brought me home Damnit the one time I get to go out freely then this happens!

Washing my hair with the shampoo to get off the reek of booze, I took my washcloth and scrubbed my body gently then rinsed off the foam.

I got out and toss the towel around me. Walking into my room I found some sweatpants and a crop top laid on the bed. Shaking my head smiling at what my friends did I put on some lotion and got dressed.

I walked downstairs and found the guys eating in the kitchen.

"Finally you're done"

"C'mon Blair I didn't even take more than five minutes" I rolled my eyes at her.

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