Chapter 19

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The nerve of that woman, not only did she leave me devastated when she just left me with Roselia, insulted me, got me to hate everything about myself, not once did I not think of how she called me" a freaky abomination", but now she wants what money?

On top of that, she holds my baby hostage so she could have it her way

I don't think so I'm going to make her pay for this. She's going to wish she had never met me not even accidentally

"Katie I need you to trace that number I just sent you, I need the location of the owner ASAP, "I grunted

"Give me five minutes Athy," she replied

We were already halfway to Folksville and I wanted nothing more than to strangle Alyssa to death for cutting short my alone time with Esty

But that could wait I had to find my little girl

"It's okay Athy we'll find her," Esty said while squeezing my arms

I don't know what I'd do without her here. If she hadn't calmed me down yesterday I would have done something I would probably regret later

Her presence calms my wrecking nerves even if she doesn't realize it

Wrapping my arms around her I whispered, "I know Esty I just need to find her soon, I can't lose her,"

"We won't just calm down I know everything will be fine" she cooed

I know she's right, getting agitated won't solve a thing. I needed to be calm and think of a plan to get her

Of course, I can't involve the police in this. It's not stupid but I just don't like the meddling paparazzi and their made-up stories

I'd rather have a few people know about this

My phone rang and I hurriedly picked it up without checking the caller ID"Yes?"

"I'm so sorry honey, I shouldn't have left her on her own"my mom sniffled

She's been calling every thirty minutes to confirm if I had known Rose's whereabouts

I know she blames herself but she didn't know that manipulative bitch would just appear out of nowhere ...not literally...and then just kidnap her

"Mom stop blaming yourself. You didn't know this would happen okay ...I know we'll get her back" I said softly

"If I had been more careful with her at the park then she wouldn't be in danger. I caused this" she sobbed

"Oh mom it's okay don't cry, I almost got her location it will be fine, we'll make Alyssa pay for this, ask dad to call Mark and his men once I get Rose okay mom, it will be fine"


"Yes I promise mom now don't forget to ask dad"

"Okay honey just keep me posted on whatever's going on," she said

"Alright mom now why don't you rest a little, Cherry told me you haven't slept a wink since she was taken, no arguing on this mom just do it "

"Yes I'll go ahead, bye honey" she sighed

"Bye mom"

I know it's hard for her, being an only child has its pros and cons. But my mom had it worse, she was only able to have me before her doctors told her she couldn't carry any more kids

They tried hard but she miscarried every single time

So between having an only daughter and an only granddaughter it's hard not to be affected if anything happened to any of them

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