Chapter 21

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"Dad, do not let your men open fire until I have Roselia with me, "I said

We flew to Pagean very early in the morning and it's almost mid-day now

We're already near the warehouse Alyssa kept her. I just pray we wouldn't engage in firing, I don't want anyone to end up hurt especially my little girl and Esty

"They know Athy," he said

"Chris just park a few feet from the place and keep Esty safe no matter what don't let her out of this van"I stated

"Yes ma'am"

"I won't just let you go in there on your own Athy" Esty glared at me

"It's not up for discussion Esty you're staying here, I can't be worrying about your safety while getting Rose, "I said firmly

I could tell she wanted to fight about it but there's no way in Hades I'm letting a single hair from her harmed

Just coming here with me took a lot of explaining and assurance from her moms

Good thing her sister was of much help calming them down

"Okay fine but please be careful Athy," she said

I could see the worry in her eyes as they glazed with unshed tears

"You're saying it like I'm going to die"I teased but she didn't take it well because tears started falling from her eyes

"Don't cry Esty I was only bluffing, of course, I'll be safe, I promised"I said motioning for her to sit on my lap

"Don't dare take a bullet for anyone or else I'll kill you myself" she chuckled sniffling lightly

"Of course I'd take a bullet for you m'lady" I smiled

"You know what I mean" she playfully shoved me

"Yeah I know, I'll be back, just please don't go anywhere okay!"I warned

"It's not like I have any other choice" she mumbled

"I'll make it quick, I promise"I kissed the top of her head and she got off me

Taking one last glance at her I opened the door and got out

I could see the warehouse from where I was so it will be easy to get her out and drive off while Mark and his gang deal with Alyssa and whatever security she's placed there

Mark walked over to me, we had already made a plan that we were sure would work

"Ready Athy?" he question

"You know am always ready Mark" I replied cocking my eyebrows

"You know what to do, just make sure the little girl is safe before firing openly," he told his men

He brought about twenty men, in case of an emergency

Mark has worked for my father for ten years and has never failed a single mission. He's one of the loyal men my dad has. He could entrust him with anything even the family will if he wanted

"Yes sir"

"Well let's get this over with Athy" he smiled before his expression changed to the seriousness

"I'm coming for you Rose" I mumbled before following the men stealthily

"Kill anyone that isn't in our team," he said to them

I could feel my heart racing as we approached the warehouse

I wouldn't want a single hair from Rose harmed or all hell would break loose

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