Chapter 27

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Breaking down...

We all think that when someone breaks down they are weak. That they are not strong enough to endure life hardships. You may be right at some point but other circumstances force us to completely break down and without the right emotional and physical support many end up suicidal

Some people have had a lot of undeserved situations but they still stood strong even when they wanted nothing more than someone to give them a hand

From an abusive ex-boyfriend to now the psychopathic ex-girlfriend of Athena, Hestia has endured a lot and was ready to go through more even if it meant dying for the sake of protecting the little girl Rosey. Even as she lay on the cold dirty floor hugging the little girl's body she wouldn't lose hope. She still had strong faith Athena would find them. She remembers a famous saying her mom Lilith used to tell her as she grew up, "Una mujer nunca debe carecer de fe, incluso en su punto más bajo" (a woman should never be short of faith even at their lowest point)

This was the lowest of it all. Her vincible unmoving body didn't even lift a muscle as she heard the creaking door. She knew it must have been Alyssa or her men as she had gotten used to the torture the put her under

A whimpering Roselia was tucked into her small frame. Two weeks of being fed dried up bread and water caused this

No mother would treat their child this way no matter who they came from. Alyssa's greed blinded her to the point of starving even her little girl

Athena is the first to get in didn't even take time to look at her most precious gems. She could look past it all as she shuffled her tired feet and lowered her knees to the ground

Seeing the disheveled look in both her daughter and Es's face was enough for the stream of tears to spill from her eyes. She tried picking them both and laying them on her lap but failed

"" came a soft childish voice, though raspy and rough due to lack of fluids in her body Athena could not be happier

"I'm here princess, daddy's here" Athena cooed rubbing her tiny back as she pressed her frail body against hers

Too weak to even lift her head Hestia whispered, " finally came Athy"

"I'm sorry I took too long Esty, am here now, "Athena said leaning down to plant a kiss on Hestia's forehead

"Mark call 911 and get the police here ASAP" Athena shouted

"Alright, I need three men to scan the rest of the tunnel and kill anything in sight, if you find Miss Alyssa capture her we need her alive"Mark ordered as three men scurried off deeper into the tunnels

"Carry Rose, I'm going to carry Esty, "Athena said getting up and picking up Hestia who weighed close to nothing especially since she hadn't eaten anything properly for fourteen days

A disoriented Charles walked and picked the little girl who cling to his body like a magnet. Glancing at her best friend he noticed a few scars on her neck and questioned, "Es what happened to your neck?"

Athena stopped in her tracks and scanned the weak girl in her arms pressing her fingers on the cold skin. Hestia hisses in pain as Athena runs a finger on her deep wounds that were still fresh and hadn't closed up

"What did she do to you"Athena gritted clenching her jaw

The frail girl doesn't respond, her languid breathing is the only noise coming out of her. Too exhausted to even stay awake she shuts her eyes and is dragged to the unconscious world

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