Chapter 45

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Trigger Warning: Mention of Rape


"This can't be" Hestia mumbled to herself as she paced around in her little apartment

"How did I not notice?" she asked

"Babe some women don't get the signs like others, "Jade said trying to calm her nervous friend

"No Jay, I should have realized it especially when I didn't get my periods the first two months. I thought it was some irregularity"

She was panicking after finding out she was three months pregnant. With no signs of pregnancy that was the last thing in her mind. No nausea, no migraine, no certain food craving, no baby bump even between those weeks and months. Just plain days. She was just one of the few that don't experience all the changes that come with being pregnant

"Do you plan on telling Athy?"Blair asked

"OH MY!! What will I do if she denies the baby? What have I done? We weren't even using protection!! What will I tell mamà and mom when they find out? What if Athena despises me and wants nothing more to do with me?!

She was hyperventilating without even realizing

"Deep breaths Es, "Jade said holding her friend

"Inhale...Exhale" she repeated the motion until she calmed down

"You won't know until you tell her, and knowing Athena she wouldn't dare deny her child. She loves you and will love the idea of having another baby with you" Blair said

"You're right I should" she mumbled taking her phone

"Wait what are you doing?" Jade asked confused

"I'm going to tell Athy about the baby," Hestia said

"What the!!!!!"

"Go to her"

Blair and Jade said at the same time and laughed

"You just don't say stuff like that on the phone you have to tell her personally" Blair explained

"Totally" Jade agreed

Nodding her head Hestia walked to her bedroom to change her outfit. She wore a beige with a pattern flower dress and tied her goldilocks in a bun. She didn't need make-up with her beauty. With her flats, she walked downstairs to her friends

"Hey am going to Athy's now, she's still at work so I'll just wait for her there"

"Take care"

"We'll be here when you get back"

"Tell us how it goes when you are back" Blair added as their friend walked out. Hailing for a cab she sat in the back as her thoughts consumed her

She had never been one to talk about kids. Even with Ken, it was not a welcomed topic so it never crossed her mind. But as her hands find their way to hold and caress her stomach a smile crept to her lips. She was ready for this and was only praying Athena was on the same page as hers

We'll bring to this world a cute small Athy. What will I name her or him? Will he or she look like her mom or dad? She thought to herself


Being called a mom by a little angel. She grinned more showing her teeth at that thought. Her thoughts are interrupted by a loud bang as the cab she was in lost control and swayed on the road. Another bang was heard and Hestia ducked. Too afraid to look up she held onto the back of the seat

"What's happening?" she shouted over the noise

Their car screeched on the tarmac road as the poor driver tried to take control

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