Chapter 40

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We all have our fantasies about people we like, sometimes we go too far as to imagine ourselves with them to the point of already marrying them. It's a good feeling, can't lie I haven't. But that's all in our heads, all that wild imagination will only be a part of us as we want to avoid being creepy. For these two beautiful women, this was no imagination. They were in each others' embrace and none of them felt like ever letting go. Their hot breaths mingled as they gasped for air breaking their enchanted kiss. Athena's mind was in haze as she stared at the beautiful woman beneath her

Hestia felt dizzy for going too long without air. Her eyes closed, her mouth swollen, covered in spit, and slightly parted. Athena's fingers glided across her tanned body softly like a butterfly's touch. Hestia hummed in content as she rubbed the black-haired woman's neck. Slowly, her fingers reached for the hem of her top and tagged on it. As if asking for permission Hestia nodded her head slowly, she took the top off and threw it over the couch without a care

Athena's eyes darkened with lust as she stared at her perfect perky set of boobs that molded on her chest. Hestia's heart pounded as she felt the sharp stare of the woman. Feeling a little self-conscious she crosses her arms over her chest, Athena quickly reaches for her arms and held them in hers.

"Don't dare hide from me, you're beautiful" She said her voice coarse

Hestia felt heat rise as her cheeks reddened, her stomach churning with how intensely Athena stared at her. Athena licked her lips hungrily as she watched her chest rise and fall. She leaned in and planted kisses from her neck slowly inching to her chest

Hestia drew on a heavy breath as she waited impatiently, she instantly gasped arching her back from the pillow when Athena took her nipple in her mouth and sucked harshly. She groaned in pain and pleasure as the taller woman bitten harshly, gnaw and suck her pink hardened bud. She lifted herself more into her mouth wanting more. Athena chuckled before withdrawing her mouth completely from her boobs

Hestia stared at her in shock only to throw her head back on the pillow when she felt her cupping her covered front and slapping her over her shorts. Athena smirked seeing the woman at her mercy. She attached her mouth to her nipple while her thumb played with the other. She bites over it, sucking gently then harshly. Her thumb playing with the other boob rubbing fervently, groping and pinching sure to leave it all red and with marks

Hestia could feel herself getting wetter, she bucked her hips upwards trying to get a little friction for her aching clitoris. Athena smiled against her nipple, she sucked a little bit before moving lower, kissing all over her flat stomach leaving a few bites here and there. Hestia's heart raced as she watched Athena getting closer to where she needed her

Reaching for her shorts Athena glanced up at Hestia asking for permission, Hestia nodded frantically causing the woman to chuckle softly. She removed her shorts too slow for Hestia's liking. Hestia groaned lifting herself off the pillow towards Athena's face. Athena lowered herself, taking the shorts completely off her, she stared at her now covered sex. Athena could see a little bit of wetness dripping down her thighs

Confirming her thought she opens her thighs and positions herself between her, hovering over a shuddering Hestia. She guided two fingers and pushed her panties to the side then traced her fingers along with her wetness. She almost gasped at how wet she was

"So wet for me baby?"Athena groaned kissing her thighs. Hestia whimpered in response shutting her eyes

"Answer me!"

Hestia's eyes popped open as though she had springs in them. She didn't miss the commanding tone dripping from Athena's voice

"" Ahe moaned as Athena dipped two fingers into her unexpectedly and then withdrew them instantly leaving her in need. Hestia grunted reaching for Athena's fingers but she held them back. Athena stared at her forefinger and middle finger that was glistening with Hestia's fluid

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