Chapter 4

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"I'll be the judge of that".I said after Miss Hernandez or should I say Hestia walked out.

I know I sounded like a cold-hearted bitch but eyy that's how I am. The world doesn't have a place for soft-hearted people. Why?

Easy, human beings are ungrateful one chance they get to know you and realize your weakness they destroy you with it. No mercy shown, it will destroy you even more if they are close to you which usually happens more than often. Being hurt by someone close to you.

I refuse to be destroyed by anyone. I've worked so hard and long for my companies and no one is going to ruin this for me.

I'd rather people call me names like bitch, cold-hearted, ice queen, and all that than to have fake people out trying to please me and finally ruin me. Learned that the hard way.

Although Miss Hernandez intrigues me, straightforward and honest...well not really I'm pretty sure I saw her waver a little when I asked why she left her previous company but it went as quick as I noticed it.

I'd love to work with her, honestly out of everyone that I have interviewed today she just made my day.

I know a beautiful woman when I see one and she is not just beautiful...she is extremely gorgeous. With her long smooth goldilocks, her button nose, her pinkish plump lips, and a pair of brown eyes.

The scar close to her eyebrow makes her even more desirable and not everyone can notice it until really up close.

Wait....hold the fuck...what are you doing Athena. She's merely a subordinate don't act as your care. I feel like slapping myself

I mean it is natural to appreciate someone's beauty after all..yeah that's it...I am merely acknowledging her beauty....and her eyes especially those eyes I could get lost in them.

Woah!stop it, Athena. I scolded myself.

Is it just me or does her name sound familiar? I questioned myself. I feel like I know her from somewhere.

Her name reminds me of the girl I liked ever since I was little. After my accident, my mom moved us to the Emerith to start a new life. I left behind the love of my life with a locket that was engraved in our initials promising to find our way to each other.

Leaving was so hard for me but I had to. Now own a billion dollars company but I'm still unhappy, hooking up with random people gets boring overtime

So now all I do is work work work and some more work.

I need a personal assistant, maybe just maybe she's fit for it. I guess there's only one way to find out.

"Lilian? I called my Miss Hernandez and ask her to come into work at exactly seven am"

"Right away Miss"

"Good now I have work to do so if y'all can excuse me I'd like to get started, "I said.

Everyone cleared out except Harry Louis. My C.O.O and also one of my best friends.

Before I could say anything to him my door burst open and in came my other loud and obnoxious best friend Cleopatra Adams.

Cleo owns a chain of restaurants all over the country and serves the best Italian food which is my favorite, to say the least.

"Cleo I've told you to stop budging in like that, or else you'll stop coming by" I hissed.

"Oh please like you could leave a day without this gorgeousness" she shrugged.

"Conceited much"Harry chuckled

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