Chapter 15

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I almost kissed her. I wanted to hit myself so bad. But how could I not when her plump pink lips were only inches from mine. She didn't push me away so she must have wanted it too right?

I could have sworn her eyes also flickered to my lips. Then I got us a single room with one bed what was I thinking?

That may be that could bring us closer? Stupid brain! I wanted to bang my head so hard.

I couldn't take it back now could I?

Let's just get this meeting over and done with. Harry assured me Damien wasn't in any illegal business but if he was he knew how to clean up his tracks so I wouldn't be caught up in anything.

I had our driver take us to his company. Sitting in the backseat with Esty I could see her from my peripheral vision staring in awe at the city.

I admit Delta is really beautiful maybe I could take her to one of their famous towers. The city lights illuminate everything and it's amazing at night. I'm sure she's going to love it

We have Tuesday and Wednesday to explore Delta no worries. Fingers crossed I don't mess anything up.

"We're here Miss," the driver says

"Thank you, "I thanked him opening my door and going to Esty's side so I could open it for her

Of course, I'm a gentlewoman

"Thanks, Athy," she smiled softly

"My pleasure pretty lady, "I smirked

It's so cute to watch her squirm and blush when I compliment or tease her

We walked into the building and people gawked at us. More like boring holes right through Esty.

I could see why. She has on some tight black skirt and her curves are all showing.

I glared at some of them and they looked away immediately whispering

I could care less what they had to say, I'm only here to sign some crappy partnership and leave

I'm not jealous or anything I just don't like the way the men were staring at her like she's a piece of meat

While the women gave her the dirty looks as if she stole their husbands

"You jealous Athy?" Esty asked beside me

"As if" I chuckled

"Why do you say that?"

"I saw the look you were giving those people, don't mind them am used to such looks," she said

"It's just disrespectful of them" I mumbled

"It's okay Athy," she said taking my arms in hers and patting them

I felt a surge of electricity course through me when she held my arms

The tingly sensation didn't go away even after she had dropped my arm from hers

Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves I pressed the elevator to the boardroom that was on the last floor before the roof

She doesn't know what she does to me.

"Welcome Miss Ealwood, Miss Hernandez, right this way" a tall dark-skinned man pointed us to the boardroom

"You sit next to me," I said to Esty as we got in

"Ah..pleasure to meet you Miss Ealwood, "I turned to Damien who sat at the far end of the long table

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