Chapter 39

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"Why are you so nervous? It's not like the first time you're meeting her"Jade rolled her eyes

"Try going on a weekend getaway with your boss"Hestia grunted

"A boss you've already exchanged saliva with"Jade smirked

"When you say it like that you make it sound so disgusting" Hestia grimaced twisting her expression in disgust

"Still, you're just going out for the weekend, you might even get some action, "Jade said wiggling her eyebrows suggestively

Hestia felt heat rising in her cheeks, "Okay nothing like that will happen Jadey"

"Get your mind out of the gutter"Jade fake gasped making the red tint grow even more on Hestia's face

"Shut up"

Jade laughed before loading her duffel bag with more cozy clothes. A honk from outside her house startled Hestia and she jumped up causing Jade to chuckle lightly, "You're jumpy today"

Hestia could feel her heart race, it hadn't stopped after Athena asked her to join her back to her little cottage for the weekend. Of course, she said yes, but she was so nervous this time unlike the last time

I'm here

She smiled at Athena's text, picking up her duffel bag she kissed Jade on the cheek and walked outside where Athena had parked her truck

She dumped the bag in the trunk and walked up to Athena who leaned against the door, her arms crossing over her chest

She took in her grey shorts and a polo shirt before reaching up to kiss her. They were so accustomed to each others' lips that they found it hard to resist each other especially during their meetings where Hestia would go miles seducing Athena knowing she wouldn't do anything with everyone around

Athena cupped her cheeks softly kissing back, their kiss didn't last long as they had an hour's travel. She opened the door for Hestia who smiled warmly

On the way to the cottage, they sang along to the radio softly, Athena's free hand entangled with Hestia's. Hestia felt fuzzy insides as she couldn't wait to be back at that beautiful orchard

An hour later, they parked at the roadside before walking through the thicket to the little cabin. Dropping their bags in the bedroom, they walked palms entwined to the center to watch the sunset

Thinking back to their first time here, Hestia sighed in content. Sighing a little louder than she thought she heard

Athena asks, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, am just happy"

"Mmh, and do I get to know why?"

The brown-eyed woman stared at her smiling, "You brought me here again"

"Of course I would, I promised you, didn't I," she said kissing her on her temple

Hestia couldn't help the flutter her chest felt when the girl's lips touched her

"Yeah I know, but it just feels good to know you only shared this with me" she smiled

The women smiled at each other. Their hearts beat steadily as they watched the sunset. The orange color illuminated over the orange orchard making everything seem as though it was all magical

"Let's go back before it gets dark," Athena said holding out her hand and guiding them back to the cottage

She immediately went to the small kitchenette, instructing the golden-haired woman to take a bath and come down for dinner

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