Chapter 30

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You know that feeling when your heart is sinking in and you feel as though a drum set has been placed inside in place of the heart, as it is beating extremely first? Yeah that's how Hestia was feeling as she approached Athena's door

With each step closer to her destination she felt so torn. Now she understood the depth of the effect the tall beautiful woman had on her. With shaky hands, she reached for the doorbell and rung it. Wringing her hands together to fight her nervousness she recollected her thoughts. She thought carefully on her words, she wouldn't just blurt out she liked her straight up, she was going to take it slow

Perhaps apologize for what she saw first? she groaned

"Esty?"Diana called

"D, oh great it's you"Hestia smiled

"Come on in, how are you healing?"

"I..uh just came out of the hospital but I'm great, thank you"

"Have a seat I'll go get Athena"Diana said walking to a flight of spiral stairs leading to what Hestia assumed to be the bedrooms and other guest room

Taking in the large room she was in, Hestia found herself admiring the design. Sure from outside you could see how much they took time to craft the house but the insides were even more magnificent

The set of leather couches was arranged with all their glory in a semi-circle. A love seat near the fireplace was on even if it was almost 50° outside and that was a bit too hot in Folksville. A bookshelf was leaning against the beige wall with books arranged systematically as though she never read them

A vase of tulips was placed on top of the shelf, with a portrait of two little girls who had their arms around each other's shoulders

Hestia felt drawn to the portrait and stood walking to it, tilting her head as she reached for it Athena's voice stopped her

"What are you doing here Hestia?" she questioned

Hestia felt her heart sinking. Not once had Athena called her by her name, especially since they got close. Was she that hurt?

Hestia turned to face the woman who had on some loose pants showing off her Calvin Klein underpants and a sports bra

She sure does wear those a lot. Hestia thought

"I'm talking to you"Athena snapped her fingers

"Huh? Hestia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, Oh yeah right..uh...I came to talk to you" She said nervously

"What about?"

"You know what Athy"

"No, no I don't enlighten me Miss Hernandez" Athena glared playfully but kept a straight face

Truth is, Athena's heart was pounding in her chest so hard. She didn't imagine Hestia would come to look for her after what she assumed. She was loving every part of this ordeal and was not going to give in easily

Yes, she did girl a lot, but no way in Hades was she going to be the first one to admit. Her ego wouldn't let her. Yes they have had their 'moments' but that's as far as they went

"Come one Athy don't play dumb"Hestia groaned

"Why don't we sit so you can elaborate 'dumb' "Athy said air quoting

"Fine" Hestia mumbled

The two women took seats on the comfy couches opposite each other. Athena gazed at the gorgeous woman in front of her, her plump lips in an adorable pout. She wanted nothing more than to drag them with her teeth and sink her incisors and canines in them

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