Chapter 23

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My heart hammered in my chest as I neared her parents' home. I knew I always wanted to meet her parents in the sense of "hey am Athena your daughter's girlfriend and soon to be fiancee" not the "hey am Athena the girl who just handed your daughter to my crazy ex as hostage"

But I guess it's too late now, the damage's already been done. Now to face the fire consequences of possibly being strangled to death by one of her moms if not her sister

In the midst of all this, I haven't even contacted my mom. Can't have her blaming herself sick. I'll just approach this problem differently

Alyssa crossed a line when she took Rose but capturing Esty was just drawing a battle line with me. She's engaging in a war that she'll lose horribly

"Ma'am we're here" I heard the driver say

I got off the taxi, don't ask me why I even took a taxi in the first place, I'm too messed up to drive on my own

Walking past their mailbox I reached the wooden door and stood undecided. On one hand, I could always leave and they'd never know I was here, on the other hand, I'll seem like a coward and they'll hate me even more

Taking a deep breath I reached the doorbell and rung it. A second later the door opens revealing a tall brunette teenager, definitely Artemis her stepsister. You could tell they looked nothing alike

She must be an inch or two taller than Esty

"Oh my gosh Miss Ealwood you're here, I thought Es was kidding when she said she worked for you, and you're here in my house!" she exclaimed eyes wide open in surprise

"How rude of me, come on in Miss Ealwood," she said flicking her head

Wishing this was some other situation where I would feel welcomed I got in sighing knowing I was going to ruin whatever good mood they were in

"Please have a seat, where's Es? Let me get my moms I'll be right back" she walked away leaving me in the cozy living room with their family portraits hanged up the blue walls

"Miss Ealwood it's a pleasure to have you here" I turned to the voice and saw both moms at the bottom of the stairs

Her moms were both brunettes with black brownish eyes. I figured only Esty had the blonde goldilocks which she got from her deceased parents

"Am Alexis and this is my wife Lilith" the tall one walked over to me and shook my trembling hands

"You okay dear? You look so pale" Lilith pointed out walking over to me as well

"I...I'm fine Mrs. Hernandez"

Great am just selling myself out. Keep it together Athy

"Where's Es Miss Ealwood?"Artemis questioned again

"That's why I'm here" I started softly

Noticing the melancholic expression on my face Alexis offers to take a seat first

"Where's my daughter?"Lilith asked glaring at me

I didn't know it would be this hard to explain. What was I even thinking? Of course, it was going to be hard, first, they'll kill me then dispose of my body where nobody would ever find it

Okay am getting way over my head

"Hello, Miss...I asked you a question, "I swallowed a dry lump in my throat staring at the woman who didn't even blink as if she could read my thoughts

Clearing my throat I said in a hoarse voice, "I'm sorry Mrs. Hernandez I wasn't able to get to her before she was captured by my daughter's kidnapper"

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