32| Be My Girlfriend

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She still listened to it.

I can't believe it.

As we were driving to the destination I was taking her I managed to get a glimpse of her every time. Watching her look out the window, the way her long hair flew past her shoulder, her head sat comfortably in the palm of her hand.

Her eyes glimmered in the soft moonlight as she looked out of the window. The lacey black bodysuit she wore was like a second skin to her body, outlining every curve that was in all the right places made my mouth water.

All of it was...mesmerising.

This girl has no idea how she makes me feel.

The initial plan was to surprise her today during school but when I heard she wasn't coming in, I had to change it. Being away from her for so long was fuking hard!

It hurt me how she looked, how tired her pretty eyes looked every day at school, I could see the hurt in them and it fucking killed me every day. But, just at that time, I needed her to stay away from me.

But, being able to be here now with her, changed everything.

The drive there was about 20 minutes, as I turn to the corner of the road, I park the car, "We're here." I move the gearstick into parking mode, "Are you sure we are in the right place?" She looked around, I nodded my head.

I removed the keys and shoved them into my pocket, I opened the car door, jogging to her side, I quickly open the door for her, before she could beat me to it.

"Where are we Roman?" The way her lips moved when she said my name was intoxicating, "Follow me and you'll find out." I walked ahead of her waiting for her to follow me, she hesitated at first but proceeded to follow.

The walk isn't far, this is my shot to talk to her.

"Nice party, by the way, didn't know you became so, famous," I said sarcastically, making her laugh softly.

I made her laugh!

"You're funny, I didn't even know half of those people, I didn't even want a party." She looked down to the ground, "Why not?" I watched her wrap her arms around her.

"B-because I-I just wanted to be with-" She cut herself off before she could say anymore. "It doesn't matter-r," She shivered.

Give her your jacket.

"Here..." I slid one arm out of the sleeve, "Take my sweater," Before she could object I took the sweater off completely, holding it out for her to take,

"What about y-you?"

She always cares about me...time for me to do the same.

I shrugged my shoulders casually, "My muscles will keep me warm," She giggled.


she pulled my dark blue sweater over her head, pulling the sleeves over her hands and crossing her arms over her chest.

Fuck me.

I watched her petite body melt into my sweater, making her look so adorable. Focus! Don't get lost! I shook the thoughts of her away, paying my attention back to our destination.

"Here we are." I pushed some branches out of the way to reveal the lake. There was a small dock just in the front of the lake, a laid-out picnic blanket and a picnic spread.

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