13 | You And I

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I stood there like a coward. Waiting, for him to stop me, to ask if I was okay. If I needed something, someone. Never did. "he isn't coming." I open the door and walk inside. I kick off my shoes and drop my bag on the floor.

I make my way over to the kitchen to see a plate of food left on the table for me with a note on it.

Make sure to eat something sweetie.

I had to leave early...luv u.

I smile at the note. Placing the plate of spaghetti and meatballs in the microwave, I set it on for a minute and went over to the fridge to grab myself a bottle of water.

I hear a ping from my phone, saying I got a message. I walk over to the kitchen island to see an image from Ryan. A photo of him and Kyle holding hands.


Me: Awwww rlly cute Ry. Phone me once ur home:)

The microwave beeps, indicating it is over. I switch my phone off and take my food out, grabbing a fork, I head upstairs. I place the plate of food on my desk and flopped onto my bed. I slowly close my eyes, needing time to process today.

I cried infront of Roman. I sat up in shock, "I cried infront of Roman!" I slam a pillow over my face, "Why! Why! Why!" I can't believe I cried infront of him!

he must think I'm such a fucking crybaby! I don't even know why I was crying! Yes, you do. Don't deny it. You enjoyed his company, you enjoyed the feeling of his arms wrapped around you, making you feel safe. His warmth-"

"Shut up!" I threw the pillow across the room. Mad at myself for having these kinds of thoughts, "It was just friends hanging out. It was just friends hanging out. It was just friends hanging out." I mumbled to myself over and over again.

"It was just-" My phone started to ring. I was so upset and angry I didn't have the strength to talk to anybody. It continued to ring, and ring...and ring.

"Maybe it's dad, or Ryan must be at home now." I get up from the bed, expecting it to be one of them when I look down at the name to see it was Roman! The call was about to cut so I had to make a decision quickly, "Fuck! Fuck!" I did it. I answered it. "Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, Princess." There goes that nickname again. As much as I hate it, it makes me feel stuff. "Hey Roman." I bit on my nail, "How are you feeling?" Oh! Now he seems to care. Did it take him that long? He didn't even bother to ask me when I stood by the door like an idiot.

"Fine. Why?" I heard soft whispers on the other end of the line, "You didn't seem fine when I dropped you off?" I pinched the bridge of my nose, sighing, "Listen, Roman..." I wander over to my bed.

"I appreciate your being worried and all." I slowly sat on the edge of the bed, "But, I don't need you watching over me. You and I are not together." The phone was quiet for a second.

I remove the phone from my ear to see we were still on a call, "We don't need to be together for me to be worried about you." He finally spoke, "Well I-" He cuts me off, "Yeah yeah. You didn't ask me, and I didn't ask for your permission either." He replied.

My mouth hung open. Shocked out of my mind with what his reply was, "You just...you were crying really badly and I wanted to know if it was something I may have said or-"

"No. You didn't say anything wrong I was just..." Come on think! Think of an excuse! "My period. Yes. I am on my period. I get bad mood swings during it." I laugh dryly, "Told you!" I heard someone whisper to him.

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