6 | La Brioche

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when I stepped out of the shower I was already feeling a whole lot better. I wiped my mirror clean from the fog that was caused by the shower, looking at myself in the mirror I pull open the drawer under my sink to take out my brush.

Brushing out my hair, I add some hair product into it, scrunching it up I hear someone knock on my door, "Come in! I'm in the bathroom!" I finished up with my hair and step out of the bathroom to see one of the maids placing my clothes onto the bed, "Thank you, Stacy." She gives me a warm smile and leaves the room.

I close my room door and proceed to get dressed. As I put my bra and underwear on I hear another knock at the door, "Uh...just give me a minute!" I quickly throw on a t-shirt and run to the door, "Hey Mariah." She walks into my room, "What is wrong with you?" I cocked an eyebrow.

I take off the t-shirt and put on the other one I was supposed to wear, "You and Matthew got so drunk last night!" I rolled my eyes at her.

I walk over to my walk-in closet to look at myself in the full-length mirror, "Should I wear another t-shirt?" Red roses were scattered across the white material, my jeans were black with rips in the knees.

"Oh but, I do want to wear my new Chicago Jordan 1s." I mutter to myself, "Are you even listening to me?" I walk out of the closet with my shoes in one hand and my denim jacket in the other.

"Yes, I am. We were just having some fun I don't see what the big issue was?" I sit next to her on the bed as I start to put my shoes on, "The problem is I wasn't there!" I looked at her, "What if something happened to you both and I wasn't there to help you in time?" I stand up, putting on my denim jacket I hold her hands in mine.

"You and dad need to relax. Mariah how many times do I need to tell you both not to worry so much. It's not like we went to a club or something. We were at home, safe." She rolls her eyes at me, "Take a chill pill, Mariah. Soon, you won't have to worry about me since I'll be off to Uni." I hear her gasp.

"I'll be going to NYU." She exhaled, "How do I look?" I stood infront of her, "Beautiful as always my sweetie." She kissed my forehead and left the room. I removed my phone off charge, added some lip gloss and perfume I was out the door.

"Dammit. Did I take too long?" I stuff my phone into my back pocket, "You're lucky we just came down now too." Said Matthew, "Good." I walked down the rest of the steps, "Shall we go?" Dad looked up from his phone, "Mhm." I nodded.

"But before we get to the car I'm going to need you both to put this on." He hands us a blindfold, "Go on. Put it on." Matthew and I look at each other suspiciously but do it anyway, "How many fingers am I holding up?" I giggle, "I don't know...three?" I said, "Five?" Say's Matthew, "Okay, good." He said.

He holds both our hands and takes us to the car, "No need to stay Mariah, you and everyone else are free to leave." We all say bye and walk out of the house.

"Dad. Where are we going?" He shuts the car doors, "All I can say is it's time we all let her go." He starts the engine and I feel us reverse out of the parking lot.

Her? Wh- Oh no. That's today? I thought it was next week? "Oh. Okay." I put on a fake smile and pretend to be happy. I didn't care to celebrate this useless day. She may still hold a precious place in Matthew's and dad's hearts but not mine. She is dead to me.

We were about 15 minutes into the drive when I hear my stomach start to growl, "Dad, I'm hungry. How much longer?" The car comes to a stop, "Not much longer, maybe about another ten minutes?" The car moves again.

"Can you at least give us a clue to where we might be going?" Matthew says from the back, "Even if I did, you both won't know where I'm taking you." We both groaned out of frustration, "But...what I can say is we will be out in nature." I groaned again.

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