21 | I'm Coming With You

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I felt the cool air blow against my face, making my body chill. Ugh, where is the blanket? I search around me, trying to find the blanket. What the fuck is this? The material wasn't smooth, or soft...it was leather?

Slowly, I peek one eye open.

Both open widely, shocked as to where I am. Sitting in the front seat of my car, the seat was laid flat down, not giving me a clear view in front of me.

Shivering slightly, I see a hand reach over my body, pulling the leather jacket upwards to cover me. I place my hand on top of his.

He freezes, peering down at me I see the dimple in his left cheek appears, "Good morning Princess." I lift the seat up, leaning my palm against my forehead.

"What the hell happened?" I groan, I hear him chuckle, "Do you remember what happened at the party?" I look at him, trying to remember what happened.

"Are you okay?"

"Roman Smith backing down from a fight!?"

"And what are you going to do about...Smith?"

Oh, God...the fight, "Oh my God Roman!" I whip my head too fast to face him, pain shoots up my head, "Fuck!" I hold my head in my hands, "Easy Princess." He places his hand on my back.

"Are..." I sigh, trying to lift my head carefully, "Are you okay?" I look to him, seeing his right eye starting to bruise, a large cut, running across his nose, "I've had worse." He chuckles.

"I'm so sorry." I cup the side of his jaw, stroking his cut chin. He pushes my hand away, "I'm...fine." I lower my hand, remembering what happened between us.

"How do you feel most importantly?"

"It's just a small hangover. I'll get over it."

"Oh. You don't remember much then,"

I cocked an eyebrow, "What do you mean?" I turned around to face him, "A...friend of mine..." He sighed defeatedly, "Spiked your drink at some point."

"I said...you're coming with me!"

I get a small flashback of the scene, "That was the same guy you fought with! Not much of a friend really."

"More like ex-friend." I nodded. There was a small pause between us. I looked out the window to see it rolled down a bit, "I have air conditioning in the car you know?" I roll the window up.

"Fresh air is good when you have a hangover." I put the heater on and wrap my arms around me, "You can wear this to warm up?" He takes his jacket from my lap and holds it up.

"I'm good thank-" I shiver. Dammit, "Just take it." He continues to hold it up, "What about you?" I look to him, "I'll be fine. I'm kind of hot anyway," I look to him, the jacket in his hand and back at him.

"Okay," I mumble and take it from his hand. The warm leather wrapped around me like a blanket. Sinking my hands into the sleeves I curl up into a tight ball and pull it closer to me.

Mmm...spicy, just like him. The smell of his cologne rubs off on me, making my nostrils burn with his scent. Oh my God, this smells amazing...

"Calvin Klein. Be Eau De Toilette." I turned to him, brows furrowed, "What?" Dear God, please tell me I didn't say that out loud?!

"You said it smelled nice so I told you the cologne name." My cheeks were flushed, my face burning from embarrassment. "Oh," I said with a nervous laugh, making him grin.

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