4 | Hazel Johnson

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One more race. I had one more to do and I was done, I had paid all my debt, everything will be over once I win the race this weekend. I jump out of my car, making my way over to the school building.

I didn't even want to come today, there is no point really. After school is over I plan on taking over my mothers business or even racing professionally. But, with the mother I have, she insists I go.

I walk up to the few steps that lead you to the twin glass doors, opening them both I see my friends waiting for me in the lobby.

"Hey, morning man!" Valentino greets me. "Morning guys." We all do our handshake and make our way inside. "Oh did you hear what the couch announced?" Peter threw the football up in the air, "What?" I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"He said a few scouts will be coming to our games regularly now. They are also coming to tomorrow's training." I just nodded my head, I wasn't in the mood to talk this morning.

"What's up with you man? We even tried calling you last night but you didn't pick up?" JJ walked over to his locker, filling his bag with the books he needed for today, "I'm fine JJ." He closed his locker and they crossed their arms over their chests.


"We know when your lying Roman, we've known you your whole-"

"Correction. JJ is the only person who has known him for the longest. We only met him in middle school." Valentino hits Peter across the head, "Just shut man, can you do that for once in your life." JJ and I chuckled.

"I'm not going to ask you-" I cut JJ off, "I have another race this weekend." They all sighed, "What the hell Roman?! I thought you finished your time during the summer?" I started to walk away from them. I couldn't deal with their lectures right now.

"Hey! Don't walk away from us!" I was so close to reaching the stairs when I feel someone grab hold of my shoulder, "What?" I growl, "Tell us why you are doing this, what happened?" I pulled away from Peter, "I'll tell you guys later." I saw a small smile appear on his lips.

"Okay. I'll see you guys at lunch, lets go, Val." I heard Peter and Valentino's steps retreat while JJ followed me, "I don't understand why you gotta hide it from us." He wrapped his arm over my shoulder.

"I lost," I mumbled. We made it to the top of the stairs, "What?" We were about the part ways when JJ stopped, "Nothing. I'll tell you later." He shrugged his shoulders and walked away.

I wave goodbye to JJ as I make my way over to my next class. I pull out my phone to check what class I have when I feel someone's head bump right into me, "What the-" Their gaze meets mine.

I was about to go off my head until I see who it was. It was that girl! It was the same girl I saw this morning. What was she doing here? She was wearing our school uniform, she goes here now? since when? "Oh! I'm sorry. I-I wasn't paying attention." Oh god, she is cute as fuck.

All I did was stare at her when I looked down at her phone to see the time, I walked away. I so badly wanted to turn around to look at her one more time but I was already five minutes late and wasn't prepared to receive the lecture I was about to get from the teacher.

Once I get to the classroom, I take a seat at one of the desks behind the classroom, dropping my back to the floor I listen in on one of the students having a conversation next to me, "Did you see that new chick? Man, I have to get a piece of that ass before anyone else does."

"Do you think she is still a virgin?"

"Ugh, imagine how tight her pussy-"

"Hey!" I hear someone slam their hand onto the desk, "You fucking perverts!" I look in the corner of my eye to see it was Ryan, "Talk about Hazel like that again! And I'll fuck you both up!" They both started to snicker.

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