23 | We Need To Talk

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I left early the next morning. Roman was peacefully sleeping, I was afraid of what was going to happen when he woke up so...I left. It was a fucking cowardly move.

But...I continue to remind myself that's it's safe to just ignore it, for his sake and mine.

You begged him for a relationship and now your the one pushing him away?

I clench my jaw. I don't have time for this.

I park my car in my driveway, as I jump out and notice the porch light on, "Dad doesn't leave for another hour?" I look down at my phone to see it was five in the morning.

I jiggle the key into the lock and open the door. I drop my shoes and bag on the floor, not bothered to switch any of the lights on, I make my way upstairs.

"Good morning Hazel." The living room light turned on and there he was, sitting on the couch with his arms crossed over his chest, "Dad!" I shout, causing me to trip on one of the steps.

"Hazel!" He quickly got up to help me, "Watch where you're going." He groaned, "Don't scare me like that!" We walk over to the lounge and take a seat.

"Where have you been?!" He sat on the couch across from me, "I was at Ryan's," He removed his glasses. Oh shit. He knows I wasn't, "Really?" I nodded my head, going along with him.

"That's funny because I called Ryan's father and he told me that you and Ryan haven't been home!" Fuck. I'm so dead. "So, please, tell me where you were...actually?" He gestured towards me and leaned back.

If I tell him I was at Roman's I will be disowned! Make up a lie! Think of anything! Say anything!

"Kyle's," I said. Yeah. Good, that might work, "Who?" Shit! Shit! This isn't going to work! "Kyle. Come on dad, you don't know Kyle?" He sighed and rested his hand on the side of his head, "No Haze. I do not know who Kyle is." He said unfazed.

"That's Ryan's boyfriend. Ryan and I got too drunk to drive so he took us to his place." He cocked an eyebrow, "Where did you guys sleep?" I could see him looking worried.

"Ryan and I slept in his guest room." A sense of relaxation washed over him, "So he must've been the same boy who called me." He tapped his chin, "Kyle called you?" he nodded his head.

"He told me that you were safe and going to stay over at his place." That was nice of Kyle. "His voice was so deep I assumed it was an older man, but when I was about to ask for his location I heard Ryan's voice." Kyle's voice isn't that deep...

Oh no.

"Then, while Ryan was speaking to me, he told me that you both will go over to his house. And then about an hour later, I called Ryan, he didn't pick up so I called his father and he told me you guys haven't come home yet."

"I knew you that you both were at that boy's house so I told him where you guys were." He said casually, ignoring the fact that he knew the whole story this entire time.

The one I made up...

"He assured me who he was and told me it was okay." He intertwined his fingers together.

I swiped both my hands down my face, annoyed. "So, you mean to tell me you knew everything already?!" He nodded his head and smiled.

"Wow," I leaned back, feeling much more relaxed, "I continue to remind you to call me. Tell me in advance where you are going, I don't care how drunk you are or what you are doing. As long so are safe." I rolled my eyes.

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