26 | Motley Crew

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"So I heard about this fair outside of the city, wanna go?" I took a long sip of my beer, not paying attention to Peter's question, "Uh...yeah, I don't have anything planned this weekend," I heard Valentino answer.

Why hasn't she called me yet?


Why did she leave that night?

What it something I said?


Weren't we being honest with our feelings? Was I not supposed to say how I actually felt? Would she have felt better if I lied?! Why is she all of a sudden the one running away? Is she doing this to get back at-?

"Roman!" I whip my head to face JJ, "What is up with you man?" JJ gets up and walks over to his fridge, grabbing another beer, "Sorry, just have a few things on my mind." I take a sip- "Ugh." I get up and walk over to the fridge to get another beer.

"Yeah...that seems to be happening a lot lately," I look over to Peter, "What are you talking about?" I pop open the cap, "Come on Roman," He sighs while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Is it Hazel?" I dart my stare to Valentino, "No." I scoff, "Not every fucking problem is about her!" They all go quiet, "I'm fine." They all look to the ground, ignoring eye contact with me.

"Then if it's not her...what's got you so agitated?" I swipe my hand down my face, "Nothing alright, can we just drop the subject?" Peter draws his lips into a thin line and keeps quiet.

"Okay, I'm done." Valentino stands up, "I can't keep up with this shit Roman." He places his bottle on the coffee table, "What?" He snatches my beer out of my hand, "Hey! What the hell man?!" What is his problem?

"I'm fucking tired of this daydreaming, moping shit. If a girl is going to affect you this much you need to go out and get laid, hell get back with Emma!" I clench my jaw, tight.

"Or even better..." He lets out a sigh and pinches the bridge of his nose, "Do something about it." He looks at me, I face the other way, "Why are you even here, and not discussing whatever issues you both have?" I turn my head slowly to look at him.

"If she can have such a huge effect on you like this?" He scoffed, "Then you clearly need to do something about it instead of sitting on your ass all day, staring at that phone."

"Because if you don't do anything I might just-" He is going to go on if I don't shut him up, "Alright, alright!" He hovers over me proudly. "I get it, you can stop acting so high and mighty now," I sighed and leaned back, "What must I do then?"

"Have you tried going over there?" Peter suggested, "I did. But some woman answered the door and said she wasn't there even though I saw her car in her driveway." Peter sucked on his teeth.

"You did try calling and texting but she didn't answer, right?" I nodded my head at Valentino, "What about Ryan?" I looked up to JJ, "Already spoke to him. He told me to try and speak to her tomorrow."

"Oh, that's right. You guys have math tomorrow. Okay, then...why are you stressing? Talk to her then." They are making it sound so easy but it just...isn't.

"I...can't." They all stared at me with disbelief, "Of course, you can don't pussy out, get some instead." They all laughed at Valentino's comment, "Let's go out for a bit and discuss it there huh?" JJ wrapped his arm over my shoulder.

"Okay," They all cheered, got me up from the couch and made our way to JJ's driveway.

"Where are we going?" We all hop into his G-Wagon, "There was this fair I saw out of the city that seemed like so much of fun, I've always wanted to go to one." A fair?

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