28 | I Still Believe

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A month has passed. A month has passed since Roman and I had last spoken. Temptation got the best at me times when I was eager to text or...call him.

Let me hear that sexy voice of his! I want to hear his deep husk-

"So Haze, since it's your birthday this Friday, I had invited a few people..." He scrolled through his phone, assuming the long list of names, "Some of Kyle's friends are coming..." he stopped scrolling and started typing something.

"You're inviting people I don't know?" He rolled his eyes at me, "Peter, Valentino and JJ are coming too," That's it?

"That's it, anyone else you want coming?" Roman maybe. "No, that's it," I said instead. "Do you have an idea what you might wear?" I shrugged my shoulders, "No, not really," He walked over to his closet.

"Probably something red," He tilted his head, "Why don't wear another colour for a change?" I gasped, "How dare you say such an insult?!" We both laughed, "No, I already have an outfit planned."

He turned around to face me, "What is it?" He continued to look through the racks of clothing, "Mmm...it's a surprise," He took out a light grey sweatshirt.

"That's not fair! I wanna know?" I chuckled, "You're just going to have to stay curious," He groaned, "Tell me!" I stood up and made my way to the bathroom.

"Johnson!" I closed the bathroom door.

Once Ryan had picked something out, I had dinner at his place and went home. On the way home I couldn't stop thinking about him.

Can't we be friends?

I think we would do a better job at just staying in the friend zone.

But...I don't want to stay in the friend zone. I want us to be more than that.


I parked my car in my driveway and headed upstairs, jiggling my key into the lock I'm greeted by Mariah at the door, "Hey," I placed down my keys and removed my shoes, "Hi sweetie," She kissed my cheek.

"Matt and dad had left while you were gone, he wanted to call but was caught up in a few stuff,"

"That's fine, Matthew went too?"

"Yeah, your father said he needed him." Again? "Do you know when they'll be back?" I shrugged my jacket off, "In two days," I clammed both my lips together, "I'm sorry-"

"It's okay," I smiled at her, "Your father really wanted to be here," She said, "What about the party?" She took my jacket and hung it up in the closet, "He said to continue with it, he didn't want you spending it all alone."

I nodded my head, slowly walking past her, "I'll be in my room, call if you need anything," I said.

"Do you want me to make you something to eat?"

"No, I'm okay I ate at Ryan's"

I opened my room door, closing it behind me I flopped on the bed.

we should stay away from each other.

"Ugh!" I stuff my face with a pillow, "Not again," That sentence continued to lurk in my head. Over and over and over! It was irritating me.

we should stay away from each other.

we should stay away from each other.

we should stay away from each other.

"Shut up!" A tear trickled down my face. The memory that made him drift further away from me also made me crave him even more for this past month.

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