11 | Always Acting So Brave

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"I told you...this is not a date," I smirked. "Let's see how long you'll think that." She rolled her eyes at me and continued to walk ahead, "I found a place with some shade." She pointed right ahead of her.

"So close to the water?" I placed the cooler down onto the muddy sand, "Yes. Whats's the point of being so far away from it." She laid down her towel on one of the sunloungers.

"Why don't we build a sandcastle?" I laid down on the sun lounger next to her, "What?" I laughed, "We aren't four." I pulled my shades down, blocking the sun when I feel a shadow cast over my body.

"Move." She crossed her arms over her chest, "You're really immature you know that." I placed my head back down, ignoring her, "Stop being such an ass and build a castle with me." She said.

"No." I hear her sigh, "Fine." The sun reappears. I peek one eye open to see her gone, "That was eas-" Seawater gets dunked all over me, "What...the...hell?" I said in between coughs, "That's what you get." She places the bucket down and wanders away.

"Oh no, you don't." I remove my shades, jogging towards her I reach my arms out, getting ready to grab her from the waist when she turns around, "No!" She screams and starts to run.

It didn't take me long to get her. Pulling her by the waist, I lift her up, "What are you doing?! No!" I carry her over to the ocean. This is payback.

"You ready?" She shook her head rapidly., squeezing my arms as I try to loosen my grip on her to throw her into the water, "Please! I'm sorry!" She said while laughing.

"Too late." I was about to throw her in when I hear someone calling my name, "Roman!" Peter. Crap. They told me they weren't coming.

I place her onto the ground, spinning her around, "Oh thank God for whoever is calling you." She moved to the side to see who it was, "Woah. Who are they?" When I turn around I see Peter, JJ, Valentino all walking towards us.

"Hey, guys." Peter hooked his arm around my neck, "And who is this beautiful girl?" He pushes past me and takes Hazel hand in his, "Hazel." I said through gritted teeth, "Lovely to meet you." He kisses her palm.

"Oh, nice to mee you-?" He removed his shades, "Peter. Peter Ambrose." Hazel nodded her head and gave him a warm smile, "Nice to meet you, Peter." She pulled her hand away from him.

"JJ!" She walked over to him and gave him a warm hug, "Hey Johnson!" He hugged her in return, "This is Valentino." She pulls away from JJ's grasp and turns over to Valentino, "Hi nice to meet you I'm-

Hazel. Yeah, we know." She goes in for a hug, "Damn." He mouths to me. I pinch the bridge of my nose. "Nice to finally meet you, Hazel." Said Valentino.

"How do you know did you know my name already?" Peter and JJ both snicker and Valentino looks at me, "Oh! You don't know." Valentino clicked his tongue.

"Smith talks about you all the time." I watch her eyes go wide, "Oh...I see." My face gets flushed with embarrassment, "Your fucker." I mutter under my breath.

"Where can we leave all this?" JJ holds two coolers, "Leave it there." I point to where Hazel and I had left our stuff.

As they walk away Hazel turns to face me, "Your friends seem...nice." We both chuckled, "Valentino was lying about what he said." She crossed her arms over her chest.

Raised both her eyebrows, "Really?" I rubbed the back of my head and nodded, "Well...it was a nice lie he told." And she walked away. I dumped my head in my hands once she was out of sight, "You idiot!" I muffled into my hands.

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